Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Start Of Marvel's Phase 4 Also Starts A New Beginning

Marvel has done something with their movies that other studios never dreamed of, and if they did dream of this, they never made a true effort to make it a reality.  After seeing the success that Marvel has had in creating an inclusive universe that contains each of their movies that they put out, the other production companies are trying to play catch-up.  The funny thing is, Marvel may find themselves in the same bought as their competitors after their Phase 3 comes to an end.

Recently, Anthony Russo sat down to talk with IGN to promote the upcoming Captain America: Civil War DVD and Blu-Ray release, when the conversation predictably moved over to Avengers: Infinity War.  Here's what he first said when asked the question about the Avengers film:

“I can’t get into too much detail about who we’re introducing, but these two movies are intended to be the culmination of everything that has happened in the MCU since the very first Iron Man movie. In being a culmination, these movies are in some ways going to be an end to certain things, and in some ways, they’re going to be the beginning of certain things.”

Joss Whedon gave us the first two Avengers movies, and he a great job of creating a team that didn't focus on just one of the players.  The Russo brothers showed that they could do this as well, giving each of the characters in Captain America: Civil War enough storyline and screen time that it balanced well for the movie.  Avengers: Infinity War will take this level of story telling to a whole different level.  So when he was asked how do they determine who or what to focus on, Anthony Russo followed up with this:

“It’s a little bit of both, because you always have to make sure that your choices feel organic to the storytelling, and really, you have to sort of structure them in the way that they need to be there. You have to have them, or they shouldn’t be in the movie. It’s a little bit of a dance between the two, where you have big eyes, and you want everybody included in the movie, but you have to go through the process of… what’s the best story that you can tell.”

From the title of the movie, as well as from what we know from the comic book side of the Infinity War storyline, it's possible that not all of the heroes will make it out of the fight alive.  Of course, people thought the same thing before Civil War came out, but with all of his talk about starting the MCU of with a "new beginning," it makes me wonder who going to leave and who's going to stay.

What do you think we can expect from the next two Avengers movies? Do you think we'll lose any of the team, or do you think that they'll all make it out alive?  Let me know  your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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