Saturday, August 20, 2016

Is "Silk" Going To Appear In Spider-Man: Homecoming?

I know that yesterday I brought you some news about actors that will be appearing in the new Spider-Man movie, but this latest reveal is something that will definitely shake things up for the flick! And don't get used to multiple post on weekends, this is a rare event!
So there was a leak...yes, I know, when you hear "leak" you put up your walls...but this one might be an actual truth! 
There was a leak that included a casting sheet for the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming that may or may not let us know where Sony is wanting to take the Spider-Man franchise.  The casting call is said to be looking for someone to play "Cindy," which fans of the comic book know is the name of the woman who is "Silk." In the comic books, Cindy Moon is a girl that gets bitten by the same radioactive spider that Peter Parker got bitten by.  A la, Silk.  She was trained by a guy named Ezekiel, who also has spider powers, until she was discovered by Spidey.
Even though this is pure speculation, and even though Sony has teamed up with Marvel to reboot Spider-Man, I'm sure that Sony is wanting to build on the franchise that they have, and with the popularity of Silk in comic books, this seems to be the smartest move.  And with Marvel helping them navigate the waters of their universe, I'm sure that if this is the route that they are taking, then it will be fine...for Spider-Man and the Marvel universe.
Do you think that Sony is going to try an expand their universe this quickly?  If they are, do you think that it's a good idea?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters July 7, 2017.

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