Thursday, August 4, 2016

Stephen Lang May Not Be Able To Play Cable In Deadpool 2

When Deadpool hit the theaters earlier this year, it took critics by surprise, but not fans of the comic book character.  What did catch them by surprise was the admission at the end of the film telling everyone that yes, there was going to be a sequel, and yes, Cable would be making his first big-screen appearance.  Once that bit of news came out, the web went nuts!  Everyone and their brother was putting their two cents into the conversation on who should play cable.

One of the first names to be suggested was Stephen Lang.  Heck, he even tweeted that he was interested in the role ("Let's lay so CABLE.  You know I want it.  This is pre-training.  Thanks for spreading the word."), but now that we're getting closer to the sequel to Deadpool's production (it's shooting for a 2018 release) his involvement in the film is looking less likely.  It's not because he doesn't want the role any more, or even that he got turned down for it, but it has more to do with possible scheduling conflicts.  Lang is currently getting ready for the release of his next film Don't Breathe, and while he was sitting down taking interviews, the question of Cable was raised.  Here's what he had to say:

"I think it's highly unlikely that they would ever give me the part, for a number of reasons, one of which being that it's the same studio as Avatar. It's a conceivable it would be a scheduling conflict, but you know, what I've said is that if they did give me the part, they'd be very satisfied - because I'll play the hell out of the part. But if they don't give me the part, then I can be magnanimous in defeat, compliment the actor who does get the part, and console myself with four sequels to Avatar."

That's a tough life, choosing between a billion dollar movie franchise like Avatar and another one like Deadpool.  Yes, Deadpool hasn't reached the billion dollar mark yet, but once the sequel comes out it will.  He seems to think so, too.  He went on to say:

"The extent of my campaigning for the role was the initial Tweet, and then after that, what I do is, when people do fan art, where they make me Cable, I retweet it, because I think it's cool. Because why not? Because quite frankly, it's a win-win situation."

Lang's character in Avatar died at the end of the film, so it's going to be interesting to see how they bring him back.  My guess?  The mother planet Eywa was said to bring balance to the planet, so maybe she brings him back for some sort of "yin /yang" balance.  Who knows?  We won't find out until 2018 when the first of the Avatar sequels gets released.  Deadpool 2 will also be coming out that year...see the problem with hiring Lang as Cable?  Not sure if he'd be able to pull off making two movies of this caliber at the same time.

So if not Lang, then who?  Who do you want to see in the role of Cable?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.  Oh, and in case you were wondering who I'd like to see as Cable?  I'm leaning towards Ron Perlman!

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