Monday, August 29, 2016

Steve Rogers Quit Being Captain America

So what really happened at the end of Captain America: Civil War and what does it mean for the MCU?  It was sad enough seeing friends fighting on another...okay, that's a lie, it was pretty cool seeing the superheroes going up against one another, but what exactly was the fallout from the whole thing?  If you haven't seen this movie yet and are waiting for it to come out on DVD or Blu-ray. just know that there are going to be some ***SPOILERS!!!*** in the rest of this post.

The Russo brothers recently sat down in an interview to talk about the fallout from the movie and had this to say about how things ended:

"I think him dropping that shield is him letting go of that identity.  [It's] him admitting that certainly, the identity of Captain America was in conflict with [Steve's] very personal choice that he was making."

So what does this mean for the MCU?  We know that Steve is having an internal conflict with himself, how he feels personally about things, and what he knows that Captain America stands for throughout the world, and he doesn't feel like they are the same thing anymore.  So if he's not going to be Captain America, what's going to happen to him when Avengers: Infinity War starts?  We might find out sooner than then, as rumors are numerous on the web that Chris Evans will be appearing in the upcoming Black Panther movie. 

Marvel has a lot of different stories and scenarios that they can pull form, seeing as Steve Rogers hasn't always been Captain America in the comic books.  He's been US Agent and Nomad in the comics, and they might go this route.  If they do, though, will someone else end up becoming "Captain America?"   The world needs to see him protecting us, right?  If this happens, who would be the best replacement for Rogers as the new Captain America?

Look, I don't know if this is how it will all go down, but if they do replace Rogers as Captain America, it could open up a whole new trilogy for the soldier in the red, white, and blue.  The more popular that Chris Evans becomes, the more Marvel will have to pay him.  If they replace him before the Infinity War (or even in Infinity War) storyline begins, then fans can start getting used to seeing a new person putting on the suit.  It kind of makes sense.

Look, this is just me spit-balling here, I have know idea if this is what's going to happen, and I haven't heard that they want to replace the character of Steve Rogers with someone else as Captain America.  If they do want to replace him, while not killing off the character of Rogers so if Evans wants to come back he can, this would be a good way to do it.  Besides, it's not necessarily Captain America that the fans of the MCU love, it's Steve Rogers himself.  Anyway, that's just me thinking out loud.

What do you think? Do you think that my ideas are way out in left field, or do you think that this could be the road that they're going down?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below, and give me your theories about how things are going to unfold, as well.

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