Thursday, February 21, 2019

Is (SPOILERS) Going To Be Introduced At The End Of Avengers: Endgame?

I was reading one of my favorite fansites (and if you read this blog at all, you will know which one I am talking about) and they have an amazing theory about AVENGERS: ENDGAME.  The best part? It's based off the most recent Marvel comic book event Infinity Wars.  And in case it needs to be said (duh) ***POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD!!!***

So in the movie Infinity War (singular) Bruce Banner reminds everybody about Vision and what makes Vision...well, Vision.

"Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays.  JARVIS, Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone.  All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another...if we take out the Stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left.  Perhaps the best parts."

Remember that?  They were setting up the fact that Vision was the "bridge" between the intelligence/sentience of Ultron, the Infinity Stones, and most importantly, humanity.  So what does this have to do with ENDGAME and the comic book event (I really hate it when they call it that!  If there is an "event" evey year or so, it's not an "event!" Dumbasses) In the recently concluded event,  the superheroes of the Marvel Universe defeat Thanos, but are left with the same problem as the MCU.  What to do with the Infinity Stones after you defeat Thanos? In the comic series, Adam Warlock releases the Infinity Stones unto themselves.  Check it out:
Adam Warlock does this because he's lived with the Soul Stone on his forehead for years, and believes that they should be released to their own accord.  But in the movies, it's Vision, not Adam Warlock, that lives with the Soul Stone.  Could Vision be destined to do the same thing in the MCU?  Only a few more months until we find out.

So now the infinity Stones are not only stones, but "living identities."  They can do, go, and be whatever they want.  This would give the Vision storyline a very personal and "poetic" end to the Vision story arc.  And might lead to the creation of Adam Warlock in the MCU.  Want to know why????

The theory is that after Vision releases the Infinity Stones once Thanos is defeated (and let's be honest, how could he win?) the stones scatter across the universe...except one makes it's way to the planet Sovereign, the planet from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.  Remember during the end credits when Ayesha showed everyone the golden cocoon?  What if one of the Stones makes their way to that cocoon and embeds itself onto the entity that is inside of it?  It would have all of the knowledge and humanity that it learned from Vision, and becomes Adam Warlock? This would open up a whole other universe for the MCU to explore, and with as little as we know about what "phase four" may bring, this could be a huge opportunity for Marvel.  

So why not?  This is just as good as any of the other theories going on, and it doesn't necessarily negate any of the theories out there about the quantum universe or time travel.  It just explains how they could end Phase Three.  And again, very poetic.  So what do you think? Look, I simplified everything here because if I were to go into greater detail, this damn thing would've been about 13 pages long.  Leave your comments in the section below, or you can email me at

I'll be back, but no promises just have to keep checking in! 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Miles Morales Is Now Mephisto Go To Tool


Issue #2 of Champions has been released and now we know what happened at their battle in Dubai. I know, the title of this post is a little cruel,'s true, you know?  Mephisto has the best Ace Up The Sleeve he could possibly have.  Let me explain why.

In the first issue of the Champions it showed Ms.Marvel Kamala Khan simultaneously coordinating three missions for the Champions.  All three missions seemed to go perfectly...except for the one in Dubai.  Kamala was leading the team and when they got back everyone seemed to be in good spirits, except for Amadeus Cho and Miles Morales.  They seemed to be the only two that knew something bad had happened in Dubai.  The final panel showed Mephisto confronting Morales.  Issue two explained what happened.

The short of the story, and again, SPOILERS!!!  The short of it is a lot of of the team members in Dubai died in the fight against Zzzax.  The only two survivors from the fight were Morales and Cho.  While they were mourning the loss of their friends, guess who shows up?  Mephisto, the "Marvel Universe's Devil."  He tells them that he can bring their friends back, as long as one of them asked him to.  There was no mention of a "price," just the offer.  Miles, quick to want to bring Kamala back, agrees and asks him to bring them back. The battle is reset and they end up victorious.

It seems that Mephisto has some sort of "grand plan" that will involve Miles, and this is his first step in getting Spider-Man under his thumb.  The same thing happened when Marvel began Spider-Man's "One More Day," where Mephisto saved the life of Aunt May, but at the price of losing his marriage to Mary Jane and the life that they lived together.  It was all wiped out.  This, however, seems different. Mephisto is building up to something, and it won't be good.

Champions # 2 is on sale now, so pick it up and follow this one.  It's going to be a good one!


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Is This The Title Of Star Wars Episode IX?

There are a lot of rumors running around as to what the new Star Wars movie's title is going to be.  There are a few good ones out there like Son of Darkness, Rule of Two, or Spark of Hope.  Okay, that last one really wasn't good at all, but there is a really good one that Reddit user daviebaby8666 who believes that he's leaked the real thing.  The title? Balance of the Force.

I like this one, and if true, may let us know a possible plot line for the upcoming film. Each of the titles to the "Episode" movies in the Star Wars franchise set the tone for what we can expect from the movie.  I mean think about it, Empire Strikes Back...self explanatory.  Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi...each one almost tells a story in itself.  If the next movie really is going to be Balance of the Force, there is one fan theory regarding the plot of the movie that might be true.

Okay, to be fair I am not sure where this theory originated.  It claims that an unseen enemy makes themselves known. Their appearance leads to both Rey and Kylo Ren to join "forces" to defeat their common foe.  So the balance in the force is the two of them working together...OR it could be that both Rey and Kylo Ren turn away from the light and dark side of the Force and realize that the only way to truly embrace the force is finding a balance between the two sides.  

Doesn't matter, really.  All of this is just rumor.  I do like the title, though.  We'll find out what the title will be later this year. Star Wars: Episode IX is set to hit theaters on December 20, 2019.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Did Marvel And Disney Let One Slip Last Year?

Last year I left a post after watching Avengers: Infinity War that used the above photo.  The picture came from one of the trailers for the movie, and it was surprising that they showed the Incredible Hulk at the Battle of Wakanda when it was really Bruce Banner in the Hulkerbuster Iron Man suit.  I originally thought that they did this just to misdirect everyone from what actually happened in the movie, but a new fan theory has popped up saying that the above scene was actually from the upcoming Avengers: End Game movie.

Someone with the user name /u/BigMartin58 says that there are a few scenes that they believe are actually scenes from End Game, as opposed to Infinity War.  One of the things that they found in the original trailer was around the one minute mark in the trailer, he says that in the trailer it shows Tony Stark removing his sunglasses when the Q Ship arrived in New York after after meeting Dr. Strange.  In the movie, he armors up with his new nano technology suit and gets ready for a fight. In this person's theory, it is actually a scene from End Game and Tony isn't suiting up because he knows how it ended originally and may be taking a different route the second time around.

They also point out that in the Infinity War trailer Captain America seems to be lurking in the shadows longer than he actually did in the movie.  They claim that this is another situation where they are trying things different the second time around, since things didn't work so well for them the first time around.

Another thing that they point out is that in the teaser trailer, the Space Stone seems to be the first stone that Thanos goes after, while in Infinity War, the Power Stone was the first stone that Thanos obtained.  This is leading a lot of people to believe the earlier theory that time travel will play big part of End Game  is accurate.  They did show us a different Battle of Wakanda, after all.

Look, this could just all be cutting room floor footage, but I don't think so, and here's why.  The Hulk in the Battle of Wakanda seemed like a pretty finished product.  Also, the Russo brothers shot the two movies back to back, so why not mix up the footage? I mean, who would know until both movies were out, right?

We should all find out in just a couple of more months. Avengers: End Game will be released April 26, 2019.

The Zombieland 10 Year Challenge

Looks like things have been pretty good for the gang over the last ten years!  Zombieland: Double Tap is happening, and while there hasn't been much that has leaked out, we do know a few things to expect.

Our favorite fearsome foursome, Tallahassee, Columbus, Witchita, and Little Rock (Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin, respectively) have kept together over the last ten years, but an argument between Columbus and Witchita cause Little Rock to split.  This leads the group to discover now types of zombies, as well as other survivors.  We know that there are other survivors because of the news that Zoe Deutch and Rosario Dawson have joined cast.  In fact, it's rumored that Dawson will be the love interest of Tallahassee.

The movie was originally reported to be called Zombieland Too, but as you can see from the picture above, they opted for Double Tap.  This title makes more sense, seeing as this was Columbus' Rule #2.  We can thank the writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese for this and staying true to the spirit of the two movies. 

The movie is set to begin production very soon, and is scheduled to be released on October 11, 2019.