Friday, August 19, 2016

20th Centurey Fox Is Interfering With Deadpool 2 AGAIN

When 20th Century Fox released X-Men Origins: Wolverine back in 2009, they had plans to also do a stand-alone Deadpool movie that would star Ryan Reynolds, but after it's horrible showing at the box office, that movie was scrapped.  Then, at last year's SDCC some test footage for Deadpool movie was leaked online, and fans went ape-crap crazy.  Because of the fan reaction to the clip, Fox went on to green light the film, and director Tim Miller gave the studio the first blockbuster movie of the year, thanks in part to the writing of Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.  Fox quickly gave the go ahead to Miller for a sequel, and everything seemed to be falling into place for the follow up movie starring the Merc with a Mouth...

...Until the other day.  It seems that now the studio thinks it knows what's best for the sequel and they're trying to make some changes to the film that Miller doesn't want to happen.  Just in case you haven't figured this part out, I'm on Miller's side in all of this, and I'll explain why here shortly, but first, let me tell you what's going on.  You remember how on Tuesday I told you that Kyle Chandler was being considered for the role of Cable in the Deadpool movie sequel?  If not, just scroll back to Tuesday's post so you can read about it.  Anyway, a new report that was written by Heroic Hollywood's Umberto Gonzales says that the studio doesn't want Chandler for the role, but they want a "big name" actor for the role, and Fox wants to try and get Liam Neeson.  With Neeson's successful string of action movies, the studio feels that he'd be a better fit.  In all fairness, Neeson would make a pretty good Cable.  He's the right age, he would be a great straight man to Reynold's sarcastic, over-the-top Deadpool, and could definitely pull it off.  Here's the kicker: Gonzales says that Neeson is the studio's choice, but Miller wants someone else.  In Gonzales' Tweet he says, "They want Liam Neeson but Tim doesn't.

Considering that Fox COMPLETELY fouled-up Deadpool when they first introduced him in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, AND they scrapped plans completely for a stand alone movie for the guy because they thought the fans didn't like him (which, if they had stuck with the Origins version, they would have been right) they should keep their hands off of the sequel.  Miller and Reynolds, along with Reese and Wernick, made a unequivocal hit on a meager budget of only $58,000,000 (which now days is considered meager) to pull in close to $750,000,000 worldwide, with the exception of China, which never released it.  Because of them, they breathed life into a new franchise that had been all but shelved by the studio.  Now, Fox thinks that they know what's best for the franchise's future?  Give me a break!

Fox is known for screwing things up on a massive scale (can you say Firefly?), so what makes them think that they know how to do things right now?  The reason the movie was such a success was because of what the team that put Deadpool together did, and without studio interference.  If they want to have another blockbuster with the sequel, they need to keep their hands off what Miller and hid team are doing, and keep their opinions to themselves.  Miller and company made it a hit, not 20th Century Fox.  I actually should say they made it a success in spite of 20th Century Fox.

So while Liam Neeson would make a great Cable, if Miller wants to go another route, then let him go another route, even if that means hiring Kyle Chandler (who would also do an amazing job as Cable).  He knows what's best for the movie and it's future, not the studio.  If you agree with me, then let me know in the comments section down below.  Heck, if you disagree with me then leave something in the comments section below.  Just let me know what your thoughts are on this whole thing.

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