Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Slade Wilson May Be Appearing In Justice League Movie

So guess what Ben Affleck decided to share with everybody in a short video he posted from the set of the Justice League movie?  If you have no idea, then you obviously didn't read the title for this post!  Yes, he posted a video that shows none other then Slade "Deathstroke" Wilson in all his glory while on set!  Fans of DC comics and of CW's Arrow already know who he is, but since this will be his cinematic debut into the DCEU, there may be people out there that don't understand why this is such a big deal.  He is a "ruthless mercenary with enhanced abilities that make him one of the most dangerous characters in the DC universe."  That's the short and sweet description of him.

If you get a chance to watch the video (and it's not a very long video), after you get over the shock and awe of seeing him, try and look at some of the things in the background.  It looks like they may be filming on the Flying Fox, which is the name that the Justice League has given their flying transportation vehicle.  If you look close, you can make out the Batmobile behind him.  That also raises a lot of questions.  We already know that Steppenwolf is going to be the big baddie in the film, so does this mean that Batman has enlisted Deathstroke to help in defeating Steppenwolf, or is Deathstroke's appearance just a short side story that will not only introduce Slade Wilson to the DCEU, but help them sort of ease into the Justice League story for the film?  Since this is the first that anyone has heard about Wilson being in the movie, and there hasn't been any mention of who the actor is that will be playing him, I'm going to go with the latter.  I'm guessing it will be just a bit part to establish him in the DCEU, but what do I know?  Up until yesterday, I didn't even know that he was going to be in the movie!
Since Affleck was the one that leaked the news, I think that it's a pretty reliable source.  I like the fact that he broke the news, and it wasn't from some "anonymous source."  Affleck's involvement in the leak might also suggest that Deathstroke might make an appearance in the upcoming Batman solo film, but I might be making a huge leap with that assumption.

So what do you think about finding out that Slade Wilson is going to be in the Justice League movie?  Let me know your thoughts about it in the comments section down below.  Justice League is scheduled to hit theaters November 17, 2017. 


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