Friday, August 19, 2016

Could This Character Be Returning After The Events Of Flashpoint?

At the end of season two of The Flash, we saw Barry Allen go back to the past and save his mother, setting up events for season three's "Flashpoint" storyline.  After saving his mother, the chain of events that follow completely change the current universe that The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow take place in.  So what can we expect from this fallout, and how long will it last?

We know that all of the CW's DC shows are going to be affected by this, but it won't be a season long change.  The "Flashpoint" storyline is only supposed to last around four episodes, give or take and episode.  What we don't know is how much of their universe has changed.  Even though Supergirl takes place in an alternate universe, they say that we should expect big changes to her world, as well.  It'll be interesting to see what they do with this.

Because all of the timelines have been thrown out of whack, it's led to a lot of fans wondering if we'll be seeing some old favorites make a return to their shows.  The person that fans seem to want to see the most is Colin Donnell's Tommy Merlin.  In a recent interview, Donnell had this to say on the topic:

“I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to about the possibility and how it could possibly happen. It’s not out of the realm of possibility.”

It doesn't sound like he's been approached by anyone to come back to reprise this role, but they might just be trying to keep it a secret.  If he does return, it will be interesting to see how his friendship with Oliver Queen has progressed.  Are the two still fighting for Laurel's affection, is Laurel even alive in this timeline, and does Tommy know Oliver's secret in this alternate universe?  If Donnell does in fact return, it will be fun to see how things turn out for his character, and if they do bring him back, then it will probably only be for the four episodes that the "Flashpoint" storyline will cover.

What do you think about the possibility of Tommy Merlin making a return to Arrow?  Is this something that you want to see, or should they just let the dead stay dead?  Let me know your thoughts on what you'd like to see during the "Flashpoint" storyline in the comments section down below.

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