Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Supergirl To Cross Over Into All For Superhero Shows This Season

This season, The CW will be bringing us more superheroes on their network than ever before.  This list is impressive, and from what producers are saying, it's going to get bigger.  Their goal is to feature a comic book-based television series Monday through Friday in the near future, but right now they only have four nights covered.  These shows are Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and the most recently added, Supergirl.  They are all said to exist in the same universe, with the exception of Supergirl.  While they did have a crossover episode that featured her and The Flash last season (while it was airing on CBS), it was revealed that she belonged to an alternate universe to The Flash's universe, and he was only able to get to it by channeling the Speed Force.  This was the one of the highest viewed episodes for Supergirl last season, and it doesn't look like they are planning on keeping her isolated to her own universe this season.

One of the biggest weeks on The CW is when they feature their crossover episodes.  It started when they first introduced Barry Allen to the "Arrow-verse" a few years ago, setting up his character for his own television show.  The following year they had both Oliver and Barry appear in each others series, helping one another with the villain-of-the-week.  Last season had members of the Legends of Tomorrow team show up in episodes for each show before launching their own series.  Now, this season's crossover event will focus on Supergirl. 

While at SDCC a couple of weekends ago, Marc Guggenheim, who is the executive producer for all of the DC television shows on The CW, talked about this year's crossover event.  Here's what he had to say:

"It's an external threat from outside the shows that will involve Supergirl coming over to The Flash, then Arrow, then Legends of Tomorrow."

Okay, I know that it's not much of a reveal, but it does bring up some interesting questions.  So we know that somehow Supergirl is going to jump over to the "Arrow-verse" because of some "external threat."  Will she be the only one from her show to make this jump, or will someone like Olson also join her somehow?  He also said that Supergirl will first appear on Arrow, then The Flash, then Legends of Tomorrow.  Does that mean that Supergirl will be the only one crossing over to other shows this season, or will Oliver or Barry appear on the other shows as well?  It's way too soon to tell, but it's going to be fun having Barry and Kara reunite again after sharing an ice cream cone.

Supergirl is scheduled to air on Monday nights, so the story that involves this "external threat" will begin on Monday.  Arrow will continue airing on Tuesdays, so the story will head over there the next night.  The Flash will stay at Wednesday night, so his show will be the next one in this storyline, and then Legends of Tomorrow will conclude it when it airs on Thursday night.

So what do you think?  Are you getting excited for this crossover event to get here?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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