Friday, September 27, 2019

Spider-Man To Crossover Universes

One of the downsides of working third shift is your asleep when the really interesting stuff happens!

Early this morning, Disney and Sony announced that they had come to an agreement to share the property rights to Spider-Man.  The agreement came between Sony's Amy Pascal and Marvel's Kevin Feige.  The latter joked that Spider-Man had gained a new super power that allows him to travel between universes.  Here's what he said:

"I am thrilled that Spidey's journey in the MCU will continue, and I and all of is at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it.  Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe.  He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their  own Spidey-Verse you never know what surprises the future might hold."

Details for the agreement are scarce right now, but from what I have learned it is only a two movie deal, with Spider-Man 3  being one of them.  The other might be a crossover role, but it is too soon to tell.  That's for the MCU's Spider-Man.  On the Sony side of things, Spider-Man will be able to appear in their other Spider-Verse movies, like Madame Web, Venom, Carnage, Mysterio, and Hobgoblin.  With regards to the Venom franchise, it had originally been announced that Tom Holland's Spider-Man would be appearing in Venom 2,  but now that a deal has been struck with the House of Mouse, it sounds like they will be holding off on his crossing over until Venom 3.

Tome Holland's Spider-Man 3  is scheduled to be released July 2021.  Like I said, this will be one of the two movies set up in the agreement.  While there has been no news as to what the second project will be, it may be the Captain Marvel crossover that I had discussed in an earlier post.  Marvel is desperately wanting to humanize Brie Larsen's character after poll after poll have shown that she comes across as stiff and bland.  Not really something that they were hoping for regarding the "New Face of the MCU."  Of course, with Feige moving over to the Lucasfilm division of Disney and reportedly bring Brie Larsen over there to star in his upcoming Star Wars movie, maybe plans for Captain Marvel are changing as well.

I'll let you all know more as it comes out, but for right now all is well in the Universe. 

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