Sunday, September 22, 2019

Disney's Plans For Wolverine In The MCU

Disney is wanting to move quickly (by their measures, not our) with introducing the X-Men into the MCU, and the most prominent figure that they are focusing on is Wolverine.  So who are they going to try and get to play the iconic character that Hugh Jackman portrayed for over a decade?  Hugh Jackman himself!

It's being said that there is a very short list of actors that Disney wants to play the Wolverine, and Jackman is at the top.  It's his if he wants it, but the hairy Aussie has made it perfectly clear that he isn't interested in it.  Although...Jackman did say that he was interested in a Wolverine vs. the Incredible Hulk match up, and it was rumored that this exact movie was in the works, so...maybe?

It might help in convincing him that they don't plan on keeping Logan around very long.  It's being said that they are very interested in bringing X-23 into the MCU as their primary Wolverine.  Makes sense, since they are turning all of their heroes into women (i.e. Thor, and the rumor that they want to introduce a female Captain America).  They have ignored women in the MCU for so long that now they're tripping over themselves to show everyone how "woke" they are.  They just need to be careful that they don't turn off the very fans that made them what they are.  Geeks, most of which are hard core with their devotion to the comics and their history.  Just saying.

It's also being said that they want Hugh Jackman for another role in the MCU, one that would have a more lasting affect to what transpires.  It's rumored that they would like him to play Doctor Doom.  I could see him taking on this role over Logan.  He said that that the workouts and the diets were grueling, so this would let him be more himself, considering the costume he'd be wearing.

While we're on the subject, it's also being said that Marvel has approached Haley Berry to take on the role of one of the X-Men, but no of Storm.  No, it's being reported that they want her to play Kitty Pryde.  Why not?  She already played a Kitty in Catwoman, right?

So what do you think of all of these rumors?  I know, it's a lot to take in, but it's still pretty exciting stuff.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below, or reach out to me on Facebook, or on MeWe.

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