Friday, September 13, 2019

Now This Makes Sense...

It is now being rumored that Joss Whedon is going to be the director for the X-Men's debut into the MCU, and if this turns out to be true, there couldn't be a better choice for them to make in this matter.  Here's why...

Whedon wrote for Marvel and the X-Men comic The Astonishing X-Men back in 2004.  It had Cyclops and Emma Frost bringing the X-Men team back together again, and ended up fighting against the Danger Room and The Hellfire Club.  I actually have these comics, and it was an amazing story.  A little out there at times, but this was taking place in the world of comics, so nothing was out of bounds. Having said all of this, Whedon has a close tie to these characters, and considering he pretty much gave Marvel The Avengers movie that everything else has been built off of, tapping him as the director for the X-Men's introduction into the MCU seems natural.

This rumor comes from Mikey Sutton, who writes for the Geekosity Facebook group.  He writes:

"The X-Men film is still a dew years off from in the MCU schedule. However, mutants will begin appearing in various films and TV programs with the Doctor Strange sequel looking more likely an MCU debut for one or two. 

Again, it's early.  However, the mane being discussed quite often to possibly write and direct the initial X-Men film is a familiar one: Joss Whedon.  The Russo Brothers may have replaced Whedon as the MCU's favorite sons(s), but it was Whedon's The Avengers that really took the MCU into wild blue yonder.

Whedon's keen wife and familiarity and affection for the characters has had Marvel Studios longing for him ro helm Charles Xavier's students, long before their acquisition of Fox.  Age of Ultron may have left Whedon mentally and physically exhausted, but the main reasons for that are long gone now."

When the X-Men are introduced into the MCU, don't expect Marvel to follow the comic book characters as far as their histories and appearances go,  They are trying to "diversify" the MCU and change their comic book properties with different ethnicities.  I find this troubling, not because of the changing of comic book characters that have been established in their respective titles for the last 50 + years, but because it feels like they are pandering to their audiences, and it doesn't feel genuine, like the scene in Endgame that had had all of the female superheroes appear in the same scene.  Was that really necessary?  No, they were kissing the asses of the people complaiing that they hadn't given a female a leading role in their movies (save Captain Marvel, and that one was only released before Endgame came out).  Don't insult us, Marvel.  And don't change our characters that we grew up to.

Having said all of this, rumor is that they are talking to Denzel Washington to play Magneto. Do you think this is a good idea? Let me know in the comments section down below.  Am I wrong to want the original history and character to be used in the MCU, or do you think it's okay to change things up?  With the large number of characters that Marvel can choose from that they have at their disposal, I would prefer them use one of them instead of change an old and established one, but that's just me.  Let me know what you think in the comments section below, or on my Facebook page. I'll be away for the next couple/few days, have to catch up on work, but I will be back no later than Tuesday afternoon.  Until then!

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