Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Disney+ To Introduce The Young Avengers As A Limited Series...Maybe

Here's the last post for today, but I think it's a pretty good one to end on.  Marvel has been toying with the idea to produce a Young Avengers  movie, but now with the introduction of Disney+, they may be taking a different route for this idea.

With the recent announcement that Hailee Steinfeld  might be playing the part of the MCU's Kate Bishop in the upcoming Hawkeye series. This may be the first step in introducing The Young Avengers (could they NOT come up with a worse name?  I mean, really?).  With Steinfeld as Hawkeye, she would be joined by the Hulkling (Teddy Altman), Iron Lad (Nathaniel Richards), Patriot (Eli Bradley), and Wiccan (William Kaplan).  With the upcoming WandaVision show set to appear on Disney+, it might give us the beginnings of Wiccan.  In the comic books, Wiccan was the son of Scaler Witch, and with her recent (and tragic) romance with Vision, maybe this will set things in motion? Don't know how they would do the age jump believable, but it's Marvel.  Anything can happen.

Steinfeld isn't a stranger to the Marvel world of comics, having voiced Gwen Stacey (a.k.a. Spider-Gwen) in the recent animated movie Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.  Does this cause a rift between her and Sony, or her and Marvel?  Probably not...at least not with Marvel.  They hired her after Spider-Verse was released.  I guess it depends on how well they play nice.

What do you think about this new mini-series? Good idea, or is it going to be a bust?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below, or leave them over on my Facebook page.  Until tomorrow...

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