Tuesday, September 24, 2019

3 New Plot Lines Coming To The MCU

Disney and Marvel did something that was truly unprecedented when they began the MCU.  It wasn't that they made "comic book movies main-stream," but they created a story that covered the span of 23 movies.  There had never been anything as ambitious being done before.  Now that it has been completed, Disney and Marvel are going to go a different route with their next lineup of "Phases."

Instead of one over arching plot that will incorporate their movies going forward, they are going to actually have three "sub stories" that will cross over all of their future movies.  And now, thanks to me (and the Internet where I read this) I can tell you that the three story plots that the MCU are going to be pushing will involve the stories from the comic books that featured Secret Invasion, Secret Wars, and Annihilation.  The Secret Invasion storyline shouldn't come as much of a surprise, since Captain Marvel and Spider-Man: Far From Home pretty much set that storyline up.  "Surprise."  

Out of the three that they mentioned...okay, it should be said that these are the "Top 3" choices that they are going with, but they could go a different route.  If they regain the property rights to Spider-Man either from Apple buying out Sony, or Marvel is able to purchase the property from Sony out-right, these plans may change.  But back to what I was saying.  The storyline that I am most excited about is Secret Wars.

Most of you probably only know the Secret Wars storyline from the most recent comic book run of the title, but back in the 80's it was a whole different story.  In fact, before they changed up the origin of Venom, it was here that Spider-Man first got his black Spider-Man costume.  It was heroes vs. villains and it was glorious!  The Russo brothers even said that they would come back to the MCU if they would be able to film a Secret Wars movie, so that alone should push the project.

What comic book story lines would you like to see the MCU incorporate?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below, or go to try Facebook or MeWe page and leave me a comment there.  If I hear anything else regarding this, I will let you know.

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