Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Disney Shuts Down Star Wars Panel In Salt Lake

Fan X attendees were left confused and wondering after Disney threatened legal action if a panel that was to feature Ian McDiarmid and Hayden Christiansen was to move forward.  This is confusing for a couple of reasons, but...not really.  Allow me to explain, and I may veer off course, so stick with me, I'll bring everything full circle.  Even with all of the tangents.

Let's get started.We have all seen the trailer for the upcoming Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.  We all heard the Emperor's laugh at the end of the trailer.  Heck, I've even told you how they plan on bringing him back for this final chapter in the Skywalker Saga.  The thing is, Ian McDiarmid hasn't "officially" been said to be returning to the movie.  It's not on IMDB, and he's not mentioned anywhere.  Just for the record, I stand by what I have posted regarding the Emperor's return.  It's also been rumored that Hayden Christensen will be appearing as a Force Ghost of Anakin Skywalker, but just like Ian McDiarmid, he's not listed on IMDB as being in the movie either.  So why shut down a panel where both of them are scheduled to appear?

The simple answer is that they both are going to be in the movie, and Disney doesn't want to take the chance that one of them will slip up and say something that they aren't supposed to .  They don't need another Mark Ruffalo leaking any information out.  Heck, Disney's doing a good job of doing that all on their own (see earlier posts).  To keep either from saying something that they shouldn't, they just threaten legal action.  If they don't want something to get out, stifle it.This doesn't mean one or both of them will be appearing in the movie, but it does make a simple fan like myself ask, why is a panel at a Salt Lak convention such a big deal that they would threaten legal action?

Take away from this what you will, or even what you want.  I'm just giving you something to think about.  That's why I'm here.

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