Monday, September 23, 2019

I Don't Know..."News" On The Fantastic Four?

You know, when I first found out that Marvel regained the property rights to the X-Men and The Fantastic Four, I was pretty excited.  I felt like, "Finally! Someone will get them right!"  And I was optimistic when I heard that they were eyeing John Krasinski and Emily Blunt to play Reed Richards, and Susan "Sue" Storm.  That made perfect sense because they are actually married and both make amazing movies!  But then something happened.  I read some of the other choices that they may consider to make.

The first kick to the gut came when I read that they were considering Jonah Hill to play The Thing, Ben Grimm.  Then I read that Seth Rogen was also being considered for the part.  If you have ever read even one single issue of The Fantastic Four, you will know that The Thing is not the comic relief of the team, and neither of these two make me think "strong and unstoppable."

The latest rumor now is that they are considering Will Smith to play Mr. Fantastic.  Look, I love Will Smith movies and he's an amazing actor, but Disney is screwing up my childhood with all of these drastic changes!  Look, I get it.  They feel like they need to change things up so they can be more progressive than the DCEU who beat them to the punch with their release of Wonder Woman, and as I stated before, I thought they just threw that scene at the end of Avengers: Endgame  together where they had all of their female heroes in the same shot in order to pander to their critics.  It felt much too out of place and forced.  It didn’t feel natural and it ruined the final battle for me.

I understand that they want a more inclusive MCU that feature heroes from all walks of life and different cultures and ethnicities, but there are actual superheroes in their Marvel catalog that fit feature these different cultures and ethnicities.  Why do they need to change the ones I grew up to that have already been established?  They're changing their history and personalities.  They have already shown us that they are able to make a blockbuster with lesser known comic properties like The Guardians of the Galaxy  and Ant Man.  They could do that again.  Just please stop screwing with the heroes I grew up reading.

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