Tuesday, September 17, 2019

New Frank Miller Comic Coming...

Ever since Frank Miller released the incredible Dark Knight Returns,  which dealt with an aging Bruce Wayne, I have been a fan.  When DK2 was released, I rushed out to but it.  The most recent of his comics was Dark Knight 3: The Master Race.  Now, Miller is about to release a one-shot comic called The Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child.  This comic book, though, will focus on a whole new character.

In The Master Race, Superman and Wonder Woman conceive a second child, Johnathan Kent, brother to Lara, who was introduced in his past works.  After Johnathan's introduction, Miller started coming up with a new idea for a story.  Here's what he had to say:

"The possibilities for what he could be just started coming to mind like crazy.  I thought the contrast between him and Lara could be really exciting.  Lara has so much power and passion, so for the little boy to embody all of the wisdom and intelligence of the Kryptonian race would be an exciting new dimension.  He really sort of developed as a little floating Buddha, someone who when he wasn't even a toddler yet was speaking in full sentences and had an understanding of events that surpassed anybody else's.  He's the most magical member of the family."

He also talked about his creation, Carrie Kelly, who was the new Robin and is now the new Catwoman:

"Carrie is, as always, the smartest kid on the block.  She was also trained by someone who is not cowed by power.  Even knowing that she is not a 'superhero' in terms of powers, she will not accept anything that in any way smacks of subjugation.  Look at her! She began her superhero career by running away from home. She was a rebel from the get go."

If this sounds like a good read to you, know that you will have to waiti until December 11th before you can read it.  Are you still a fan of Frank Miller?  Let mw know what you thing of this newest comic in the comments section down below, or leave one on one of my other sites.

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