Sunday, September 22, 2019

I Hiope This Isn't True...

From the moment that I heard that Sir Patrick Stewart was going to be reprising his role as Jean Luc Picard on a CBS All Access television show, I was jazzed.  So much so, I plan on ordering the site just for this reason.  However, I have recently read something that truly makes me nervous about the show if it turns out to be true.  Now, this is all rumor, and since it comes from a Youtuber, I'm not putting too much credence into it, however, you never know. Just because I don't know the guy doesn't mean he doesn't know a guy.  Let's jump right in...

So this YouTuber "Doomcock," yeah...I can't make this s**t up, it's "Doomcock," is claiming that yes there will be a season 2 of Picard,  but Stewart won't be in it because he costs too much money.  Okay, this is the first one of the "I'm calling bulls**t" on.  Stewart does voiceover work for Family Guy  and American Dad.  You cannot tell me that they have the money to pay Stewart what he's worth and CBS doesn't.  I just don't buy it.  So this guy is saying that they are going to kill him off at the end of the first season and then just follow the rest of his ragamuffin crew starting with season 2 without him.  He says that to honor their fallen Captain, they name the ship after him, the U.S.S. Picard.  

He says that if you look at the other series in the Star Trek universe, they all follow the same model, by naming the series after the ship.  You have Deep Space Nine (okay, this one wasn't a ship, but a space station, but potato, potato.  You know, that only sounds good when spoken out loud.  Anyway.) then you have Voyager, Enterprise, and now Discovery.  He surmises that the series is called Picard because Jean Luc Picard will die and they will name the ship after him.

I think that this is a bit of a stretch, but at the same time it isn't a bad theory.  I would just like to think that Stewart didn't just sign on for one season in order to be killed off.  And how would they do it? Would it be a glorious death, or just some random death out in the outskirts of the galaxy where no one would no or care?  I'm hoping that this isn't true, but one thing I've learned from watching television is never to trust the company that makes the program, they will let you down repeatedly (I mean YOU FOX!  Still don't forgive you for Firefly!)

So what do you think about this theory?  Seem plausible, or outrageous?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, on my Facebook page, or over on MeWe.  Until tomorrow!

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