Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Disney Spoils Their Own Movie With Accidental Reveal

It seems like I keep jumping between Marvel and Star Wars news, but I have to be honest, they are giving us the most stuff to talk about.  So I have two bits of information on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker to share, so as always...***POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD!!!***

So Disney inadvertently ruined the mystery behind "Dark Rey" from the trailer.  Check out the below post from Disney's official Star Wars website:

As you can plainly se from the above post MADE BY DISNEY!!! the footage that features "Dark Rey" in the trailer is from a vision.  Anakin had them in the Prequels, Luke had them in the Original Trilogy, and heck, Rey even had them in The Force Awakens.   While this isn't a surprise to many fans, the fact that Disney made this reveal by mistake speaks volumes on how there are too many people getting involved in the marketing that are NOT THINKING!!!  They removed the highlighted portion after they were made aware of their mistake, but the damage has already been done.

The second bit of news that I have to share is the regarding the fate of Princess Leia in The Rise of Skywalker.  JJ Abrams has said that Leia will playing an important role in the upcoming movie, but with Carrie Fisher passing away back in December of 2016, fans have been wondering how this would be worked into the movie.  From the leaker that spoke with wegotthiscovered.com we are told that yes, she is going to die, but not in some glorious fashion, just from old age.  In my opinion this is very disappointing, however considering they had limited amounts of extra footage to work with, this may have been their only option.  I was lucky enough to meet Carrie Fisher at a Comic Con, and she was an amazing woman, so I hope that this movie does her and her character justice.

So that's it on the Star Wars front, my next post will be, surprise surprise, about Marvel.  Make sure you check it out.

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