Thursday, September 5, 2019

C3PO: "I'm Front And Center In This One"

For the longest time, C3PO has always played the smaller of the two roles when it came to him and R2D2.  R2 had the Death Star Plans stored in him, he stopped the trash compactor from killing our heroes, he flew in Luke's X'wing to help destroy the Death Star. In the prequels he (well, I'm assuming that R2's a "he," but I really have no idea) he was flying along with the fighters of the Galactic Republic battling the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as well as the many battles he fought along Anakin and Obi Wan.  He's seen and done it all.

C3PO has always been the comic relief, the "straight  man" in a comedy duo.  He seems to get into trouble, or more correctly trouble seems to find him.  Now it looks like C3PO will get the moment that he deserves in the upcoming film Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.  Anthony Daniels, the actor that had played the golden droid over the past 50 years, had this to say about his role in the new movie:

"I'm front and center in this one for a lot of it.  That made me feel very happy and very excited.  Because the stuff we do is magic.  The inventiveness superb.  And so for me and for 3PO this is a very good bye-bye moment.   Enjoy."

When talking about C3PO's red eyes that are seen in the trailer, he had this to say:

"That was so weird because they had rigged me up with a special thing,  And to look at myself in the mirror it was scary.  It's a magnificent piece of storytelling that really took me by surprise."

I would recommend you go back to my earlier post that talks about the possible plot details that deal with C3PO's red eyes, unless of course you don't want to know so everything will be a surprise when you see it this December.  I'll keep posting updates and rumors as they pop up, and with December fast approaching, there are probably going to be a lot more to post on.

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