Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Some Star Trek Fans Are Going To Be In For A Treat This Summer!

Star Trek Beyond is getting ready to boldly go where only a few have gone before...

It was recently revealed that JJ Abram's Bad Robot production company is remastering some of the scenes in Star Trek Beyond so it will be compatible with and work on Barco's Escape projection system.  Barco's Escape technology works by allowing the audience to get a panoramic view of what's happening in the movie by putting up three screens to show the movie on.  The three screens are set up with one directly in front of you, and the other two are on either side of you, giving you a wrap around view, so to speak.  The remastering of the movie won't allow the entire film to be able to use all three screens, but at least 20 minutes or more of the film will be able to take advantage of this format.  Here's what Ben Rosenblatt, the head of visual effects over at Bad Robot, had to say about how they are going to incorporate this into Star Trek Beyond:

"When you're on the bridge of the Enterprise, you might see additional coverage of the bridge. Or you might see the Enterprise coming across the screen — and maybe you'll see more and the attacking forces. There are new ships and antagonists that are well suited to the expanded image."

Before this one is to be released, the largest theatrical release for this format were the Maze Runner movies, so this is a pretty big deal.  But before you get too excited about seeing this, know that right now there are only a handful of these theaters out there right now (around 50).  They are planning on having 100 theaters by the end of this year, and up to 3,000 over the next three to five years.
Is this something that you'd be interested in seeing?  Movie theaters have been trying to find new ways to draw in larger movie audiences and get people excited to go movie theaters to see films, instead of waiting until they come out on DVD and Blu-ray.  IMAX and 3D films have helped to bring in larger box office takes, but the cost of the movie ticket is significantly higher.  While the experience might be better, some prefer to see the regular 2D format and save a few dollars.
So what do you think? Give me your thoughts on this whole thing in the comments section down below.  If you're one of the people that have been able to watch a movie in this format, let me know your thoughts on the whole thing, I'd love to hear what you think!

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