Thursday, April 7, 2016

Rogue One Trailer Comes Out Today

Star Wars Rogue One Teaser Black Stormtrooper Armor Star Wars: Rogue One Trailer Debuts Tomorrow

We are already into the four month of 2016, which means that there is only eight months to go before we get a new Star Wars movie debuting.  This one will be the first one that takes place outside of the continuing "Episode" movies.  While it still takes place in the same galaxy far, far away, it's jumping back to a point in time that's somewhere in between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.  It's called Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and it follows a group of Rebellion fighters tasked with stealing the plans for the Empire's new super weapon...the Death Star.

I know pretty much everybody that's reading this knows all of this already, but did you know that the first teaser trailer for this movie is going to be released later today?  This is a pretty big deal for Disney since they have a lot riding on this film.  After Disney purchased Lucasfilm for a little over $4 billion they were quick to announce that they'd be releasing Episode VII.  It had to be great and popular in order for them to start making their money back.  Luckily for Disney, it was hugely popular with audiences who (in my opinion) were just happy to see a movie that gave us the original characters again...and wasn't a prequel.

The problem that they had, though, was that each new chapter would be released every two years.  They needed to come up with a plan that would allow them to have a new Star Wars come out every year, in order to keep interest in the franchise going.  So they decided to introduce the Star Wars Anthology movies.  These would be films that take place in the same universe, but outside of the ongoing saga films.  These films would also allow them to try different things, without jeopardizing the Episode movies. For instance, Rogue One will be the first Star Wars movie that won't feature a John Williams score.  It also won't feature any Jedi.  It is also expected to be much darker than any of the Episode movies, and is being labeled as a heist film. 

Disney has already released a teaser for the teaser trailer (yes, we've now come to that point when it comes to marketing.  I know, sad) with the full teaser trailer coming out later this afternoon.  As you can see from the above picture, there are going to be new Stormtroopers (the rumored name for them are "Death Troopers," part of an elite group of Stormtroopers) as well as some of the classic spacecrafts like the AT-AT for the Imperials and the Snow Speeder for the Rebels.  However, the movie will primarily be following the Rebels X-Wing squadron Rogue Group.  After you get a chance to see the trailer, let me know your thoughts on it in the comments section below.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story comes out December 16, 2016.

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