Thursday, April 21, 2016

Deconstructing The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Kevin Feige Says Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Will Be ‘Very Different’

With the release of Captain America: Civil War, Marvel will begin its "Phase 3" of their MCU.  But what can we expect after Avengers: Infinity War 1 & 2?  From what we've been told from both Kevin Feige and the Russo brothers, the MCU won't look much like the one we're accustomed to.  Feige recently sat down for an interview with Entertainment Weekly and when asked about the future of the MCU, he had this to say:

 “I think you look at comics as a guide. I think there will be a finality to moments of Phase Three, as well as new beginnings that will mark a different, a very different, a distinctively different chapter in what will someday be a complete first saga made up of three phases.” 

This really shouldn't come as much of a surprise.  There have been a lot of rumors going around that the movies in Phase 3 are going to shake up the MCU in a major way.  Whether it's the death of any one of our favorite heroes, or something of equal devastation, when Phase 4 hits the MCU will look completely different.  It's not just Feige that is saying this, the Russo brothers have weighed in on what they expect to see from Phase 4:

“Things always get deconstructed, right? You build things up and people enjoy the experiences you’ve built up. But then you kind of reach an apex or you reach a climax, a moment where you go, ‘This structure is really going to start to be repetitious if we do this again, so what do we do now?’ So now, you deconstruct it. We’re in the deconstruction phase with Civil War and leading into Infinity War, which are the culmination films.”

Hearing this from Joe Russo is actually kind of refreshing.  He seems to have his finger on the pulse of what seems to be working, but is also aware that you can only tell the same stories for so long before audiences begin to walk away.  Deconstructing the MCU and building it back up with new characters and plot lines is a great way to keep things fresh and interesting.  There will always be those out there that will complain that you can't have an Avengers without the original members, but remember that the comic book version of the team has always changed, bringing in new members to the group and having old ones leave.  The other complaint that's sure to come is if Marvel announces a movie of a comic book character that people aren't familiar with.  Remember how critics were wondering if Marvel had gone off the deep end when it announced Guardians of the Galaxy?  A lot of critics began to wonder if this was the end of Marvel's dominance at the box office.  Who wants to go see a talking tree and raccoon?  Apparently, everybody.  Guardians has become one of the fan's favorite movies set in the MCU.  Just because you aren't familiar with a comic book character, it doesn't mean that it can't be a great movie.

What do you want to see from Phase 4?  There haven't been any movies announced for this phase yet, so we still don't know where things will head after Infinity War.  Do you have any favorite characters that you want to see on the big screen?  Who are they?  Let me know your thoughts on Phase 4 in the comments section down below.

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