Friday, December 4, 2015

Is (SPOILER!!!) Going To Die In Star Wars: The Force Awakens???

This is a special weekend edition of The Comconocave because...well, this theory is really kind of out there, and it may be reading too much into things.  Let me explain.

My friend Ken, the same friend that I was brainstorming with when we came up with the theory a few weeks ago that Finn is actually Han Solo's son, after it was revealed that he was once married to Sana Solo, was out shopping for one of his sons for Christmas and came across some toys called Star Wars Fighter Pod Rampage.  They are really small figures of characters from the movies (picture above) and he discovered something that was kind of of the figures was a blue ghost-version of Leia. Now, this might not be anything at all, but while he was looking at the back of the box and seeing what other figures were being offered he noticed that the only other figures that were being offered as blue ghost figures were Anakin, Yoda, and Obi-Wan.  See what I'm getting at?  The only thing that Anakin, Yoda, and Obi-Wan have in common is that they are all dead.  So why is Leia being offered in this same manner?

Sometimes toys and soundtracks can give things away before a movie is released.  Back when The Phantom Menace was set to be released, the soundtrack for the movie came out prior to the movie's release, and one of the songs from the movie was titled, "The Funeral For Qui-Gon," pretty much giving away the fact that Qui-Gon was going to die.  Just recently a card game for the upcoming The Force Awakens shared the fact that Rey has Force powers, and not Finn.  So are these toys letting us know that Leia is about to die?  She's no longer "Princess Leia" but is now "General Leia."  Military personnel have a tendency to die in movies when it seems most dramatic, so is that what's going to happen to Leia?

This theory is just that...a theory.  Ken pointed it out to me after he got home and was talking with his wife about it, and sent me the photo of the figure, which is what is used up above.  I thought it was completely possible, and made sense, so I thought I'd share it with you all.  What are your thoughts?  Are we reading too much into this, or do you think that this theory holds water?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below, and make sure you share this with your friends on Twitter!

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