Sunday, July 5, 2015

So...Where Do We Go When We Go To Mars?

It's easy to ask, "Why don't we send someone to Mars?  We can do it, right?"  But do you realize everything that has to go into sending someone there?  And the furthest thing from your mind when thinking about this is probably, "Where should they land?"  Well, NASA is holding a meeting in Houston, Texas to figure that out.

NASA is in the process of planning where to set up their proposed landing spot on Mars...but I think they need to worry about actually getting a rocket into space first.  I mean, really?  Needing to piggy-back onto the ISS is pretty embarrassing for a country that landed a man on the moon, and considering that the last SpaceX launch blew up, they need to get their stuff together!

Sorry, just had to rant a little.  So if all goes well, NASA is planning on putting a man on Mars during the 2030's.  This is what had to report on the matter:

The researchers are expected to propose and consider approximately 62 mile-wide potential exploration zones. The teams will be considering a host of different variables. Major signposts include areas that are resource-rich to help the astronauts survive, have the potential for sub-surface ice (since those explorers will need water), and a site that is "scientifically interesting" so they might actually find some stuff of note.

NASA's Planetary Science Division head Jim Green said he expects the summit to be a "hot debate," and will serve as the first step toward a human station on Mars. Following the workshop later this year, NASA will study the most promising sites in additional detail from orbit with the Mars Odyssey spacecraft and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It's a big decision, to be sure, so it's a good thing we have 20+ years to get it right.
If you want to read the whole article, here's the link:

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