Monday, July 13, 2015

My SDCC 2015 Experience!


Okay, first off...I want to apologize for today's blog being late.  I'd been up since 5 am yesterday morning on PST, and didn't get back home until 8 EST, and I'm still a little groggy. That doesn't mean I've forgotten about you all, though.  So today's blog is going to be a little bit different, I wanted to talk about what I saw and what I heard at this year's SDCC 2015.  By the way, this was my very first time being able to go to it, and it was everything that I had imagined it would be!  So let's get started!

Day one started off like you'd imagine, I had to get my pass, and pick up a schedule for everything that was going on for the weekend.  Luckily, I had my sister with me who had been planning this trip for the better part of the last four months!  The first thing I wanted to do was to pick up some of the Comic Con "exclusive" toys they were offering there.  I hit one big snag, though...apparently, having passes to the Comic Con wasn't had to stand in line just to get a ticket in order to purchase these toys!  Who knew?  Not me!  I was fortunate enough to meet someone that had an extra ticket, and he gave it to me.  By the way, everyone there was super cool!  So I was able to pick up three Star Wars First Order Stormtrooper action figures.  These are like the Black Series figures.   I got only one for myself, one for a friend out on the East Coast, and one for my friend that owns the local comic book shop.  Both amazing friends.  I'm glad I got them on Thursday, because they sold out of these super quick!  My main objective for the Con was complete!

My sister suggested we go sit in on a panel that Felicia Day was hosting, and it was amazing!  Wil Wheaton was even sitting in!  (I'm a HUGE fan!)  He does sooo much great work on YouTube and with podcasting, it was a lot of fun hearing both of them speak.  Then I hit the floor...all of the booths were nothing like I'd expected!  The promotional groups for their booths really went into over drive for this thing. Check out some of the things I saw in the video down below: 

We finished the day off learning how to incorporate LED lights into your cosplay outfits.  Sounds kind of dull, I know, but it was hands on and a lot of fun!  We closed the day out by going to see Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and it was crowd participation...kind of like The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  If you haven't seen it yet, it's a must watch!

The next day I was able to sit in on another Felicia Day "panel," but this time it was just her, and then we she finished, the cast of Orphan Black came out and talked and took some questions.  The highlight of the day, however, was being able to sit in on the very first "panel" ever for Sense8.  I say "panel" because it was just the creator talking to us, but it was a great time listening to him speak.  I closed it out with my main reason for heading to that particular hall, watching the Ash vs The Evil Dead panel talk and promote their show!  Bruce Campbell, Lucy Lawless, Ivan and Sam Raimi, it was amazing!  They were hilarious!  They also showed a trailer for the upcoming series, check it out below:

(I'm hoping this is the right trailer...I know that they released it online the next day!)

I never made it into Hall H, but the people that did had to camp out for 48 hours!  Hats off to them.  Me? I'd rather check out the Con instead of camping out on a grassy lawn for two days!  I heard that the Star Wars panel was out of this world!  They gave everyone free lightsabers, showed them a behind-the-scenes clip, had the entire cast (including Harrison Ford, his first public appearance since the plane crash) and then treated them all to a concert!  I felt bad for Kevin Smith, though, because his panel featuring the upcoming Yoga Hosers movie was pretty much empty because everyone left to go see the concert.  Sorry, Kev, I would've stuck around for you, bro...

There was so much more that took place from the merchandise that was being sold to other people I saw (not to drop names or anything, but Joss Wheaton, Tom Hiddleston, Guillermo Del Toro, just to name a few!) that I can't cover it in just one blog, but don't worry, this won't spill over into tomorrow's blog.  I just wanted to gush about my very first San Diego Comic Con.  And for anyone out in San Diego that is reading this?  You all have some of the finest tasting food I've ever had the pleasure of eating!  Your town really and truly embraced the whole Con, and made it an experience I won't soon forget!

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