Thursday, July 2, 2015

Black Panther And Captain America: Civil War

Black Panther

Captain America: Civil War is quickly turning into Avengers: 2.0.  Look at all of the characters that are going to be making an appearance in the film!  There's Black Widow, Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, The Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Vision, Falcon, and if rumors are to be believed, the Hulk.  The one character that stands out in this group is Black Panther, who we know will be playing a large part with Marvel's Phase III.  So why bring in a third tier character to pull a franchise?  I mean, besides the exceptional results from The Guardians of the Galaxy, right?  Here's what Kevin Feige, Marvel's President had to say:

"The reason we introduced him in Civil War is because we needed a third party.  We needed fresh eyes, who wasn't embedded with the Avengers and who has a very different point of view than either Tony or Steve.  We said, 'We need somebody like Black Panther...why don't we just use Black Panther?'  That's how it went in the development process."

Feige went on to explain that when we first see T'challa, he will be assuming the mantle of the Black Panther.  His father, T'Chaka, has handed it it over to him.  He doesn't have the experience of his father, but he holds the will to protect his country and his land.  As you may have noticed in Avengers: Age of Ultron, his mythical land of Wakanda had been mentioned a number of times, primarily dealing with their chief product, "vibranium," an amazing metal that is the composition of Captain America's shield.  It ain't adamantium, but it's still pretty bad ass!  Feige went on to say:

"Today, pre-Civil War, post-Ultron I think [Black Panther] and his father are saying, ' A bunch of vibranium just got out of here and wreaked a lot of havoc.  Maybe we can't stay behind these boarders anymore.  Maybe we have to stick our heads out and make at least an attempt to be part of the rest of the world right now, while at the same time protecting our people.'  That's sort of where we meet [Black Panther] in Civil War."

Black Panther's movie will be arriving in theaters in 2018.

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