Friday, July 28, 2017

Why Colossus Fans Should Be Excited For Deadpool 2

One of the best things that we got out of Deadpool was a Colossus character that X-Men fan's have been wanting and waiting for.  Yes, he was in a few of the X-Men movies, but his appearances were just so fans would go, "Wow!  There's Colossus!"  and then he was gone again.  They wasted the use of a good character.  Thankfully, Deadpool fixed all of that, and his appearance in the movie wasn't just a one and done, either.  He's going to be coming back for the sequel, too.  It sounds like we can expect him to have a larger role in the movie, as well.

The actor that plays Colossus in the Deadpool movies' name is Stefan Kapicic, and he recently sat down to talk about Deadpool 2 with THR.  Here's what he had to say about his part in the movie:

"He didn't have time at all in the X-Men movies, and he's one of the iconic characters. He needed that space, and thank God [director] Tim Miller and Ryan and Fox decided to give him a spot, which will continue to grow. That's the thing I can say ... the sequel will answer many questions, which people are asking right now. Because all the questions I can see on the net are answered in the sequel."

Colossus' first appearance was in X2, and it lasted basically for about 5 seconds.  In X-Men: The Last Stand, a movie that we'd all like to forget ever happened, his role expanded a bit, but he didn't get many lines at all.  He was just there.  That's about it.  Luckily, with the arrival of Deadpool, Colossus finally got the recognition and screen time that he deserved, and he was great.  In fact, he basically stole ever scene that he was in, he was that good.  We can thank both the actor and the writers (the real heroes of the movie) for that happening.

We won't have long to wait to see him on screen again.  Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released into theaters on June 1, 2018.

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