Monday, July 3, 2017

Avengers 4 To Roll Right Into Spider-Man 2

I'll tell you, Marvel is really using Spider-Man for as long as they can to the best of their ability in their shared universe!  While his minimal appearance in Civil War was just a tease, he's about to make his solo debut this weekend with Spider-Man: Homecoming.  I'm guessing that they called it "Homecoming" because he's finally come home to the MCU, but what do I know?  There may be another reason for it, but I digress...

Even though this is his first "solo" excursion into the MCU, the hype and excitement for this film is so high that people are already looking towards Spider-Man's sequel, and it's not just the fans that are doing this, it's also Marvel.  In fact, word was just released that Spider-Man 2 will pick up almost immediately after Avengers 4 concludes.  Kevin Feige, who is currently making the rounds for Spider-Man: Homecoming, had this to say recently:

"What I think we should focus on is this Spider-Man who started in Civil War and then has this movie, and then will be in the Avengers movie. And we are starting now the next one which will start a few minutes after Avengers 4 wraps as a story."

So now we know how Marvel's "Phase 4" is going to start off.  If they are even calling it "Phase 4," there was talk that they were going to get rid of that terminology.  It also makes it sound like Peter Parker will be heading back to New York instead of joining the Avengers full time, which is smart.  He works good as an Avenger, but the reason people relate to Peter Parker is because of his struggles as an adolescent, as opposed to his struggles as a superhero.  He just seems like a normal kid with normal problems, just like everyone else.

While Spider-Man 2 has now been officially announced as the start of "Phase 4," Marvel has not released any other titles that will be coming our way.  Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is also set, but no official release date has been given.  Speculation is that the titles for "Phase 4" are being withheld for now, so they won't give anything away from the next two Avengers films.

So go out this weekend, check out your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man who'll be swinging into theaters July 7.

By the way, I'll be off tomorrow for the Fourth of July, but I'll be back on Wednesday!

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