Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Nick Fury To Fight Alongside Captain Marvel

Sam Jackson's Nick Fury has been around the MCU ever since he first appeared in the after credits scene at the end of the first Iron Man movie.  He's gone on to appear in Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Avengers: Age of Ultron.  We haven't seen very much of him since then, and Marvel's produced quite a few movies since Age of Ultron.  That's all going to change soon, though, as he's set to appear in the next two Avengers movies, and it's now being reported that he will be co-starring in the upcoming Captain Marvel movie.

Not much is known about the Captain Marvel movie, except that it will be an origin story and it will return to the Quantum Realm first visited in the movie Ant-Man.  While the comic book has had a few different versions of Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel, Kevin Feige announced that the character that they would be using for Captain Marvel in the MCU would be Carol Danvers.  In the comic books, Danvers is an Air Force officer that got her powers after an explosion caused by a Kree device that had been captured.  She survived the explosion, but came away with superhuman abilities.  According to one of the co-writers of the film, Nicole Perlman, Marvel is going to change up her origin so it better coincides with the MCU canon.  It's not known what sort of role Jackson will have in the film, but his involvement will certainly help get fans out to see the movie.  It's something that Marvel needs to have happen, considering the Captain Marvel isn't a widely known character to fans of the films, but not necessarily of their comic books. 

Marvel had a similar situation when rolling out Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time.  Critics didn't think that fans would embrace a talking tree and a talking raccoon, but Guardians went on to be one of the most successful movie the MCU has turned out.  We'll have to wait a while to see if Marvel can have lightening strike twice with an unfamiliar character movie.

Filming is set to begin January of next year, and is set to keep filming all the way through May of 2018 down in Atlanta, Georgia.  Captain Marvel is set for release March 8, 2019.

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