Friday, July 21, 2017

Marvel Returning To SAKAAR Before Thor: Ragnarok

Before Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3, Marvel is going to return to Planet Hulk to drum up excitement for the film, considering that it may be the closest thing that we'll get to a Planet Hulk movie.  The difference this time?  It won't be Bruce Banner (who has been absent from the comics for a while now) who returns there, but Amadeus Cho...the Totally Awesome Hulk.

Before I go on, I have one question to ask...who came up with that stupid name "Totally Awesome Hulk?"  Sounds like it should be a valley girl with an anger issue instead.  But I I don't.  Really? Who came up with this name?!? So Bruce Banner isn't around any more (which is totally Marvel'ss owm fault, like evil Captain America!), who's fault is that?  Marvel's!!!  Okay, now I digress... Bruce isn't around, so they're focusing in on Amadeus Cho.  Here's the "official" synopsis for the comic book storyline:

"When Amadeus Cho picks up a distress call from a distant planet he’s shocked to find out it’s from SAKAAR. As the Totally Awesome Hulk, he’s been trying to avert the curse of anger that haunted Bruce Banner. But SAKAAR is a place for warriors and gladiators… a place where the Hulk fought brutally in the Imperial Arena… who is calling Cho for help?"

So Marvel's "generations" and "legacy" events are leading up to this storyline, and we really don't know where they are going with this storyline, but if rumors are true, it may bring back Bruce Banner to the Marvel universe.  There's not really a lot to talk about right now, except that it appears that Marvel is wanting to build up excitment for the Thor movie.  Look, they're not stupid.  People like Mark Ruffalo's Hulk, and fans are really wanting a Hulk centered storyline.  Thor: Ragnarok may be the closest that we get to a Hulk movie, which means that comic book fans are getting pretty jazzed about this movie.  And to please the Hulk fans out there, it sounds like the next two Avengers movies will focus not only on Thanos, but Hulk as well.  I'm heading off subject.  Okay, if you are interested in the next chapter in the Planet Hulk storyline (which I am!) then make sure you look for it when it gets published October 4, 2017.

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