Friday, July 14, 2017

Okay...THIS Will Be The Last Spider-Man: Homecoming Post!

I know, I know, I know...I said that Tuesday's would be the last time that I talk about Spider-Man: Homecoming, but I read an interesting article on that I thought was interesting and should pass along.  It deals with one of the post credit scenes that we were treated to.  Actually, it was the first of the two after credit scenes, which is really part way through the end credits.  So again...If you haven't seen this movie yet (and if you haven't, why not?) ***SPOILERS AHEAD!!!***

The scene in question shows Adrian Toomes being confronted in prison after being arrested by Mac Gargan, who got arrested earlier in the film after a deal with Toomes goes wrong due to Spider-Man's interference.  Instead of being angry with Toomes, though, he comes up to him and says that he wants to take out the Spider-Man.  "I've got some boys on the outside who would love to meet him and slice his throat.  I heard a rumor you know who he is."  This doesn't sound like much at first glance, but once you delve deeper into what's being said and who's saying it, it takes on a whole new meaning with one amazing possibility!

Before I explain, it should be mentioned that even though Toomes actually does know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, he doesn't give him up.  Instead, he says, "If I did, he'd be dead."  Right now, we don't know if he kept Parker's identity a secret because Spider-Man saved his life, or he wants the chance to take him out himself in the future.  Either way, it was a cool exchange between the two.  So let's look at the other guy, Mac Gargan.  If you recognize his name, then it's because you know in the comic books, Gargan goes on to become the super villain "The Scorpion."  Plus, it looks like Michael Mando (the actor who plays Gargan in the movie) will be back in the sequel, and he recently posted a picture on Twitter showing a LEGO "Scorpion" that says, "STING Over the moon to be playing my favorite super villain!  Heading to #SpiderManHomecoming premier tonight to cause some ruckus."  Does this mean that he's heard something about his role in the next film already, or that he's just excited to have been Mac Gargan in the movie?  Not sure right now, but let's look at the first part of his exchange with Toomes from prison.  He says, "I've got some boys on the outside..."  How many "boys" on the outside does he have?  The article thinks that there may be six friends on the outside...

It's no secret that Sony was wanting to do a "Sinister Six" movie that took place in their Amazing Spider-Man universe, but after the sequel bombed at the theaters and with fans, that movie got shelved.  Could it be that they might be working towards a "Sinister Six" that takes place in the MCU?  If this is the case, then the partnership between Sony and Marvel might be a lot stronger than I thought, and it could continue well past the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming.  Of course, this is all just speculation, but if it turns out to be true, then the next few Spider-Man movies could be pretty freaking cool!

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