Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Should Wolverine Die At The End Of "Logan?"

When Logan hits theaters later next year, it will bring a close to one of the most iconic roles ever to be played by an actor...with the exception of, I don't know...maybe...James Bond?  But they had more than one actor play that role.  Only one actor has ever played Logan!  So how do you end a role that has spanned over sixteen years?  Maybe you should kill him.

That's the question that's running around in a lot of fans' minds with Logan so close on the horizon.  Would that be a fitting end to Hugh Jackman's role as the Wolverine?  Some are saying yes.  Let's look at the source material...

It's widely known that a lot of what we are going to see in Logan was taken from the comic book Old Man Logan,,,how they can say this is beyond me, considering all of the main characters in the story seem to belong to Marvel and Disney, but I digress.  At the end of the story, Logan walks off into the sunset with Baby Banner to pick up his life where he left off...as a hero.  Oh, "Baby Banner' was the inbred offspring that Bruce Banner fathered with one of his kids that he had with She-Hulk.  At least I think it was She-Hulk.  It's been a while since I read the comic.  Either way, his family tree didn't fork at all, if you understand what I'm saying.  So if they try and stay true to this storyline, then Wolverine will walk off into the sunset to fight another day.  Except...

The Marvel's main universe Wolverine died a few years back when he was incased in molten adamantium and presumably dies.  I say "presumably" because let's be honest!  No one stays dead for long in the comics!  So if they go off of the "main" Wolverine character, then they could kill the guy.  It wouldn't be that bad of an idea.  Let's face it, Wolverine has been the face of the X-Men for the past decade and a half.  They need to move on past him and have the franchise gain an identity of it's own.  One without Wolverine.  They can pass the torch on over to X-23 or Mystique or something (which it seems like they've already done...sorry, I'm over the whole Jennifer Lawrence phase of the franchise) and if they do decide to reinvent Logan, then the best way to do it is to do an origins story.  Start out with him as a child, and let us watch him grow up into the beast that he is with the new actor.  Give us a reason to want to watch the new guy.  Think X-Men Origins: Wolverine but with an actual plot.

So that's my two cents on the whole matter.  What do you think?  Do you think that they should/need to kill Wolverine at the end of the movie?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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