Monday, October 31, 2016

Edge Of Tomorrow Sequel In The Works

For those of you that went and saw the movie Edge of Tomorrow, you know how much fun it was to watch.  As Chris Agar put it, it was "Aliens meets Groundhog Day."  As good as the movie was, though, it seemed to tie thing up pretty well in the end, and while it did pretty good in the theaters, it's hard to see where they could go if they decided on a follow up movie.  This problem seems to be something that writers Joe Shrapnel and Anna Waterhouse have been thinking about for a while now, and from what they are telling us, have found a solution for.  It also sounds like director Doug Liman agrees with them.  In an interview with IGN he told the site, “Yeah, it’s going to revolutionize how people make sequels. It really will.”  That's some pretty big bluster for a movie that hasn't come out yet, or even has been made yet.  Still, the first movie itself was pretty ambitious and they were able to pull it off quite well.

It's hard to get an original movie out there to the masses and have them excited to want to go out and see it.  Everything now days seems to be sequels or a part of a shared universe, so viewers for the most part know about the characters or storylines before going and seeing these films.  Reboots and remakes are other areas that allow viewers to know what they are going to be in store for when they go and see these films.  For Edge of Tomorrow to do as well as it did, that's something to be impressed by, and now it's getting ready to have it's own sequel made.  Welcome to what everyone else is doing, guys!

Two reasons why the film was such fun to watch was one, Tom Cruise, and two, Emily Blunt.  These two had a great rocky start to their relationship and it was fun watching Cruise try and convince Blunt who he was and that they'd already met over and over again.  While the movie should have both stars returning, not much else is known about what they have planned for the sequel.  I'd be surprised if they decide to repeat the Groundhog Day part of the first film.  If they're going to do this right, they need to find a different angle to explore, and not just give us an updated movie of the first one.

So what do you think about a sequel being made for this film?  Were you one of the ones that saw thins movie in the theaters, or did you wait until it came out on DVD?  Did you like the flick?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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