Monday, July 18, 2016

New Rogue One Trailer To Give Us Darth Vader

While it hasn't been released yet to the public, it was announced that a new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer was released over the weekend over at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016, and a couple of old favorites are said to have appeared in it.  The first character that was shown was Bail Organa, played by Jimmy Smits during the prequels.  While they could tell that it was Bail Organa in the clip, they said it was a little hard to determine if it was in fact Smits returning to the role.  Apparently he's a little out of focus in the clip and his face is obscured by a camera, but considering when this story takes place, I think that it's a smart move to bring him back.  Even as big of a reveal as this was, the one that stole the show was the first shot of Darth Vader.  It was at the end of the clip, and was described as starting off by seeing his reflection on the floor, and as the camera pans up, you hear his iconic breathing as it focuses in on his silhouette which has a bright red light shining behind him. 

It's still not known how much Darth Vader we are going to be getting in the movie, but considering his role in the Empire, it would seem to me that he'd get some good amounts of screen time.  While at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016, director Gareth Edwards was asked during an interview how he was able to balance Vader's role in the film, while not using him too much.  Here's what he had to say:

“He’s got such a gravitational pull, the second he shows up you just get sucked into Darth Vader. So it was a process to try and figure out how to pepper that in in a way that felt right. When I read the first document, which is ‘this is what we’re thinking of doing’ I was like ‘Oh my god, they’re going to do that film? Geeze.’ And at the time I thought they must have sent it to hundred other people and I accidentally got it by mistake. Then I realized they were going to do it, and I was like ‘I could never live with myself to be two years from then and it’s coming out and this is happening and there’s some guy here going ‘yeah, so we filmed in 360′ and I’d be going ‘God damn I could have been doing that!’ So you have to do it…and I’ve forgotten the question.”

Ha!  Sounds like he's pretty jazzed about directing this flick, he's already rambling on about it!  Okay, so the question was repeated to him:

“Sure. So hopefully, it was like… I got pulled into making the film through my love of the original films, but then what was a clear conversation that happened early on at Lucasfilm is that we’re doing new things here, this is not a karaoke number or just pure winks and fan service. That’s not going to make a good film. This has got to be characters that you care about and there’s an opportunity to create new people and events that pull you in, so hopefully the goal is that you come to the film for all the reasons that we love Star Wars and you get sucked in and start to care about the new people and when you’re in the midst of all that and that’s going on, familiar things start to pass you by, you start to remember ‘Oh yeah, oh yeah’ but the film should exist on it’s own terms.

If all these films are ever just ‘And here’s that character you love, Yay! Here’s that other character you love, Yay!’ all the time, that’s all they’re doing then they’re not really doing what George did – he tried to find stories that were about something, that were saying something, that you keep in your pocket forty years later, that stay in your head and are still affecting you.”

So how do you feel about the upcoming movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story?  Are you excited to see it now that Darth Vader has been confirmed as appearing in it?  And how do you feel about them bringing Bail Organa back?  Kind of interesting how they are bridging the prequels with the original trilogy this way, huh?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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