Monday, June 27, 2016

Where Does The Marvel And Sony Agreement Stop?

When Captain America: Civil War came out earlier this year, one of the biggest draws for the film was the first appearance of Spider-Man in an MCU movie.  He stole the show in every scene that he was in, and now excitement is growing for his first solo film that will also connect to the MCU.  The partnership between Marvel and Sony seems to be working out very well, but to what extent does Marvel have a say in what happens with Sony's Spider-Man movies?  In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sony's movie chief Tom Rothman answered a few questions that seemed to tell us how this arrangement is going to work.  When asked if there were plans on expanding the Spider-Man universe after they release Spider-Man: Homecoming and if Marvel would have a hand in helping to expand it, he answered, "Yes to both of those questions."  He went on to say:

"It's been fantastic, our relationship with Marvel.  Sony has the ultimate authority, but we have deferred the creative lead to Marvel, because they know what they are doing...Knowing that Marvel has such a clear, creative vision, I sleep very well at night."

Now even though Marvel and Sony are partners in all of the live-action movies that will deal with Spider-man and the other characters that will be appearing in them, there is one Spider-Man property that Marvel doesn't have a say in making, and that's the animated feature that Sony is wanting to release in 2018.  Rothman said this about the upcoming animated film:

"We have dated Christmas 2018 for what I believe is truly going to be a breakthrough animated sensation.  (Phil) Lord and (Christopher) Miller, who did the LEGO movies, are doing an animated Spider-Man.  And it has a very breakthrough look to it, and a fantastic story, and it's independent from our Marvel Spider-Man."

I guess that this is the best way to handle the properties so things don't get muddled between storylines.  That, and if Sony wanted to try and introduce people to one of the other Spider-Man's, this would be the best way to do it, without messing anything up in the MCU.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is set for release July 3, 2017.

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