Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why Marvel And 20th Century Fox Won't Join Forces Any Time Soon

I was talking with a friend of mine from high school who has been reading my blog, and he was asking me what I thought the odds were that all of the Marvel characters would finally end up back at Marvel/Disney for a SUPER superhero movie.  My answer?  Might not be what you all are wanting to hear...

As everyone knows, well...everyone that hasn't been living under a rock, Disney/Marvel has recently teamed up with Sony to co-produce the next Spider-Man movie, and he is also going to be appearing in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie.  This does not mean that Spider-Man is now the property of Marvel again, but does make for some exciting news, and hopefully, for some exciting cinema.  But things aren't quite as cozy between Marvel and Twentieth Century Fox.  Want to know why?

Marvel, on the comics side of things, has been doing it's damnedest to hamper Twentieth Century Fox's ability to promote their comic book properties by going after the actual comic books that their properties star in.  They recently announced that they are cancelling The Fantastic Four comic book, and it's also been reported that the writers for the X-Men comics are not allowed to create any new mutants that would appear in the comics.  The reason behind this is that any new mutants that are created in the comics automatically revert to Twentieth Century Fox for their cinematic universe.  Cutting off their well of new properties is definitely a battle line that has been drawn in the sand!  And this isn't sitting well with Twentieth Century Fox.

The thing is, Twentieth Century Fox isn't hurting from these moves from Marvel.  The X-Men movies have been doing amazingly ever since X-Men: First Class was released, and X-Men: Days of Futures Past was outstanding!  X-Men: Apocalypse looks to continue this streak, and the recent trailer for The Fantastic Four reboot has been getting some pretty good positive feedback.  I've got to admit, I'm pretty jazzed about the the new FF movie after watching the trailer!

So if you're waiting for a full Marvel Universe Movie to be released soon, keep holding your breath...but that doesn't mean that it can't happen.  What are your thoughts?  Do you think I'm being a little too pessimistic?  Do you think this could actually take place?  Let me know what your thoughts are, and I'll write another blog agreeing or discounting what you tell me! Until tomorrow my friends!

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