Monday, January 26, 2015

Speaking of Arrow, How About Another Spin-Off?

Arrow Ray Palmer Atom Suit Brandon Routh Arrows Ray Palmer A Natural Choice For Next Spinoff; New ATOM Suit Details

How about another spin-off from the popular Arrow television show on the CW?  Well, there are talks taking place that would give Brandon Routh his own series that would feature none other than The A.T.O.M.!  

The CW is riding high on the success of both Arrow and Flash, so why not?  They have a couple of television series that are winding down to the end of their run (i.e. The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural) and they are going to need shows that will be able to fill the void that they are going to create.  These are going to be big shoes to fill, so what's the most obvious choice to replace these shows with?  A show that already has a built in audience, duh!

Brandon Routh seems to be on board, and why not?  It's pretty much a guaranteed job for the guy over the next four or five years!  But that's not to say he was all set to re-join the DC Universe from the get-go.  Let's not forget the drubbing he received after starring in the movie Superman Returns.  Not a great script, I'll admit, but he did an amazing job channeling Christopher Reeves for the movie.  It was uncanny watching him both as Clark Kent and Superman. It was like I was watching a younger version of Reeves in a brand new movie.  This movie's fail was the writing and the directing.  Yes, I said the director screwed that film up!  Anybody that refuses to use the motto of Superman, "Truth, Justice, and the American Way," should never be allowed to helm the movie!  But again, I digress...

When they first brought Routh in, he wasn't brought in to be the character for their next spin-off show.  He was to play the character that could play off of Felicity, you  know, to give her someone to spar against.  But his character has taken on a main focal point of the show, whether or not that was their intended purpose.  So where could they take this character in his own show?  They've already shown us that!

What is the one thing that has obsessed Ray Palmer? O.M.E.G.A.!  This would be a perfect launching point for the new show.  This would give the program a focal point, and it would also tie the new show in with the Arrow universe, and allow for cross-over events like this past Fall's Arrow/Flash crossover.  

Everything that I've mentioned here is still all speculation, but they are talking about it.  What do you think about an A.T.O.M. spin-off television show? Do you think it would work, or are they over-saturating the market with just another superhero show?  Let me know what you think!

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