Monday, January 19, 2015

Okay, Here's One Remake I'm Looking Forward To...

... Legacy Director Joseph Kosinski Sheds Some Light On The Black Hole
First of all, welcome to all of my friends from other countries (especially Germany) who are reading this.  You all have been a great help to making this site what it's become! 
When I was growing up, one of my favorite films was Disney's The Black Hole.  I remember watching it and being truly terrified of what it was.  Visually, it was spectacular.  In reality, it was terrifying!  What sort of thing could cause so much power and destruction?  The ending, of course, was a bit anti-climatic.  After all of that fear, they just ended up in another universe?  It didn't matter.  It was still stunning to watch.  I even had the old 45 follow-along record that I listened to endlessly.  And Maximilian?  He scared the crap out of me!
So when I heard that Disney was going to do a remake of the film, I was very excited!  In the original, the USS Palomino is returning to earth after a search for extra-terrestrial life turns up bunk.  On their return voyage, however, they come across the USS Cygnus, a ship that we had thought lost or destroyed, hovering on the outskirts of a black hole.  Upon further investigation, the crew of the Palomino discover that the crew of the Cygnus had been killed and turned into cyborgs, and it's captain was planning to take the ship into the center of the black hole.
You know, reading this description of the movie makes it sound a lot scarier than it actually was.  Remember, it was a Disney film...
Considering that this movie was released back in '79, and Disney wasn't nearly as daring as it is today, a remake of this film is getting me truly excited!  Set to be released next year, the film is being helmed by Joseph Kosinski and Sean Bailey, the the director an producer, respectively, both of which worked on the Tron remake.  I know a lot of people didn't like this film, but I thought they did a great job with it.
Details on the movie are being closely guarded, but with all of the improvements in special effects, this should be an absolutely stunning feature...and I will be one of the first to be in line to go see it!

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