Monday, January 12, 2015

First Wolverine, Now Deadpool...

Deadpool 45 cover-674x1024

Last year Marvel killed off Wolverine with a glorious (?) final battle that left our favorite Canadian mutant encased in an adamantium shell for the rest of eternity.  How could they possibly out-do this storyline???  I mean, they couldn't pull off this same storyline again, could they?.  Well. in April's Deadpool #250, they'll do just that.

First off, I know that the issue number might be a little misleading, but Marvel explains it by telling us that if you "add together all the Deadpool series (creatively) issue #45 is the big 250th issue of Deadpool!"  Okay, that makes more sense...

...what doesn't is, why kill him off?  Okay, we all know that when you die in the comic book universe, you're not really dead (i.e. Batman, Superman, everybody else that's ever died...), so why even play this game?  Could it be because Marvel doesn't own the movie rights to either of them any more and they're trying to cut the exposure of these characters down to hurt their movie sales?  Unlikely, since the buzz around the upcoming Deadpool movie has reached fever-pitch, and as we saw from X-Men: Days of Future Past, they're still a huge draw at the box office.  So why do it?

Here's what Gerry Duggan had to say on the matter:

"In all honesty, the story that you're going to get in Deadpool #250, is a story that we really have been building to since the first issue of Deadpool NOW.  And it will absolutely feel - it will feel, I hope, readers will think that this is an appropriate end for this Deadpool."

It sounds like this has been something that's been in the works for a long time.  And what's the best way to go out with a bang?  You bring in every all-star artist and writer you can to make this the best possible finale you can!  They're bringing in writers Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn, Ben Acker, Ben Blacker, Nick Giovanetti, Paul Sheer, Jason Mantzoukas, and Mike Drucker.  They've hired on Scott Koblish and Mike Hawthorne as it's artists.

What do you think?  Is it a smart move to kill off two of your best selling characters to boost comic book sales in the short run, and possibly pissing those same readers off down the road when you bring them back?  Let me know what you think!


  1. LAME... I still say Deadpool should steal the Wolverine "Statue" and have it in his house.

    1. That would be a fitting end! He just retires and hangs Christmas lights all over Logan! Ha!
