Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Marvel Is Going To Re-Shape Their Universe

The third (or it could be argued fourth) Secret Wars is about to hit Marvel.  The first took place back in '84 and '85, with Secret Wars 2 taking place one year later.  A re-imaged version of the comic appeared in 2010 with the new title Spiderman and the Secret Wars, but to be honest, it was not done very well.
Jump ahead to 2015.  Yesterday, Marvel made an "announcement to end all announcements," to use their own words, explaining that the "incursion" that has been taking place for months in the pages of Avengers and New Avengers will take the Main Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Marvel Universe, and slap them together.  They explain that this will cancel both of these universes out, and "Battleworld" will be the place where the new Marvel Universe will be born and where they'll move forward from.
Here's what Marvel's Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso had to say about this:
"The Ultimate Universe, the Marvel Universe, they're going to slap together.  Imagine two pizzas:  They're going to combine toppings, some toppings are going to drop off.  And that is the Marvel Universe moving forward.  It's more than the Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Universe, it's all of the universes you can imagine.  That is the Marvel Universe going forward."
Back in November Marvel released a teaser for the event that gave us a map of the upcoming Battleworld.  Only half of the "countries" had been labeled at that time, though.  They showed us that Civil War, Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies, and Planet Hulk are all going to be a factor on Battleworld, but there are still a lot of blank spaces on the map.  Over the next few months, these will be filed in and we'll get a better picture of how things are going to look.  If you want to follow the progress they'll be making in doing this, they have a Secret Wars site that you can visit that features an interactive Battleworld map.  The site will also be the place they'll be making any new announcements regarding the upcoming series.
Marvel Executive Editor Tom Breevort had this to say:
"Various characters will live their lives, and contend with this new situation, and set up all the building blocks and the bedrock of what the new Marvel Universe will be going forward."
Axel Alonso chimed in:
"This is putting an endcap to decades of stories, and starting a new era.  When you see the scope of the stories, you'll see what we're willing to do.  If we wanted o resurrect Gwen Stacy, this would be the place to do it, wouldn't it?  If you ever wondered what would happen if you take the 'Age of Ultron' universe and perch it next to the 'Marvel Zombies' universe, this would be the place to do it."
Marvel is going to kick off this event with a special zero issue of Secret Wars for Free Comic Book Day on May 2.  If you're new to the world of Marvel, or even comic books in general, this would be the ideal place to start reading!
...and if you are new to the world of Marvel, how's that rock you've been living under? 

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