Sunday, August 7, 2016

Rogue One Still Reveals New Rebel Fighter

I have to admit, I wasn't really excited when the prequels came out and I saw the spaceship designs that they'd made for the three films.  They lost a lot of the character that the ships from the original series had, and it really made the prequels feel like they weren't apart of the "big story."  That seems to be changing with the new Star Wars movies that Disney is putting out.

With the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story getting closer every day, Disney and Lucasflim are ramping up their PR campaign to get fans excited over the new "Star Wars Anthology" films.  One of the things that they've done recently is release a still frame of a U-Wing fighter that the Rebels will be flying.  This new ship...wait, can this be called a "new ship?"  I mean, even though this is the first time that we've seen this ship, the movie takes place before the movie A New Hope, so does that make this an "old ship?"  I don't know, but I'm getting away from myself.  The new ship is being described as a troop transport and a fighter.  Matt Martin from Star Wars Story Group had this to say about the new ship:

"The U-Wing is a new ship in the Star Wars universe. It's a troop transport and gunship.  So it's there to bring in Rebel troops to heavy fire zones and get out as quickly as possible. The wings move depending on the situation, and it's there to both drop off troops and provide air support."

The ship's actual designation is the Incom UT-60D, and it won't be the only new vehicle that we'll see in the film.  There will also be a slightly modified Imperial Shuttle and AT-AT, while featuring some of the old favorites like the X-Wing.  We'll also be seeing new Stormtroopers designed for combat in different environments and situations, like the Shoretroopers and Death Troopers.

What do you think of the new ship?  It looks like they are trying to blend some of the prequel designs in with the original trilogy designs for a type of hybrid effect.  It does look pretty cool, though.  Do you like it?  Let me know what you think about the new ship in the comments section down below. 

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story gets released December 16, 2016.

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