Wednesday, August 3, 2016

James Gunn Talks Ego Reveal In Interview

If you haven't read anything about the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 yet, then there will be a few ***SPOILERS!!!*** ahead. 

Last week I told you all that it was revealed at SDCC that Kurt Russell is going to be playing Peter Quill's father in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and that it's going to be Ego, The Living Planet.  A lot of fans were surprised that James Gunn, the director for the film, decided to reveal such a big piece of the film's plot so early, but according to the director, there was a reason for this.  Here's what he had to say in his own words:

“People have been particularly excited, confused, and supportive of keeping 'Marvel Cosmic' truly cosmic with the reveal of Peter Quill's father's identity....I get it. If we lived in a perfect world, I wouldn't tell you ANYTHING before you walked in to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.  I wouldn't tell you Groot was now Baby Groot, I wouldn't tell you Mantis was in the movie, I wouldn't say that Ayesha and Taserface are our antagonists, that Yondu and Nebula have incredibly important roles in the film, nor would I tell you that Quill's father is Ego The Living Planet. However, the world is imperfect.”

He went on to say that they need to advertise the film and in order for them to do that, he had to show everyone Ego, because he's such a large presence in the movie (no pun intended).  He also wanted to be the one who controlled the reveal instead of someone else posting it online first.  He also said that knowing who Star Lord's father is before hand won't take anything away from the movie.  He went on to say:

“That said, knowing who Quill's father is will not diminish your enjoyment of the film in any way.  Ego [is] the emotional center of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 from the beginning to the end, and is not a twist. And believe me - there are many, many more surprises we still have in store for you from Vol. 2 - hopefully the biggest of which is how much you'll love the movie itself.”

So how do you feel about learning about Star Lord's parentage ahead of time?  Do you think that it will affect your enjoyment of the movie, or will it make no difference to you at all?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below. 

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