Thursday, May 11, 2017

Has James Gunn's Elusive Easter Egg Finally Been Found?

After James Gunn gave us the first Guardians of the Galaxy, he admitted that he threw in a lot of different Easter Eggs into the movie, but there was one that no body has found...some have come close, he said, but it remains hidden.  That is, until recently...maybe.

Before I move forward, know that there are ***SPOILERS!!!*** for both Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, so if you haven't seen either of them, just wanted to give you a head's up.

Still with me?  Okay, cool.  Check this out.  Over at, a theory has been posted with some pretty convincing evidence that Gunn told us how Peter Quill's mother, Meredith, was actually killed.  At the beginning of the first movie, we see her lying in a hospital bed, dying of cancer.  Nothing out of the ordinary about that, it happens to millions of people around the world, except there may have been a clue telling us that it wasn't a natural occurrence that took her life, but one that had been designed. 

In the first film, there were location names and coordinates given when jumping from place to place in the movie.  But if you decode these coordinates, you get a messages from them.  Check it out in the picture below:

You see the messages above?  the person that poses this theory says that the "X" at the end of the "Knowhere" message refers to Ego, Peter Quill's father, who essentially is Meredith's ex.  Did James Gunn tell us what to expect from the sequel in the first movie?  It looks pretty right on.  We do learn that Ego caused Meredith's cancer in the sequel, and...that's as much as I'm going to reveal about the sequel!  Ha!  It just came out last weekend here, I don't want to give away the whole movie!  You have to go out and see it for yourself!  But the Easter Egg was pretty cool, so I wanted to share it.  Thanks to for finding it! 

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty cool. We saw 2 on Saturday and loved it. It might've been the funniest Marvel movie yet.
