Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A New Hellboy Movie Being Made, But Not Hellboy 3

Only in Hollywood and politics would this make sense...Hellboy 3 doesn't get approved to get made, so what do you do?  You make a reboot.

According to insiders, Hellboy 3 fell through because director of the first two Hellboy movies, Guillermo del Toro, and its producers couldn't come to an agreement on the budget.  So instead they're going to reboot the entire franchise and give it an R-rating.  Right now, the working title for the reboot is Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen, and is being written by Andrew Cosby.  He recently sat down with Silver Screen Beat for an interview on the subject and had this to say about the reboot:

"I can't really talk about the specifics with regard to the story, which they're keeping a pretty tight lid on at the moment, but I can say that this is a darker, more gruesome version of Hellboy.  Neil [Marshall] said from the very beginning that he wanted to walk a razor's edge between horror and comic book movie, which was music to my ears, because that's what I was shooting for in the script, and precisely what Mignola does so well with the comics.  Honestly, everyone has just been working overtime to bring that Mignola magic to the big screen.  The script is done, but work will continue as we move forward, always trying to make it the best it can be."

Unfortunately for fans of the original two films, Ron Perlman will not be coming back to play the title character.  In a tweet the other day, Perlman thanked his fans and said, "Getting alotta twitter love 2nite.  Feelin it.  Diggin it.  Much obliged, you, the faithful."  Del Toro also sent him a tweet sending out his love to Perlman along with other fans, to which Perlman responded, "Me too, little brother.  Together through life..." 

So who will be playing Hellboy?  Sounds like David Harbour (Stranger Things)  has been signed on to play the lead.  No word yet on what to expect from the reboot, or when it will be released.  As soon as I hear more, I'll let you know...

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