Saturday, June 20, 2015

Pizza Hut Just Took Pizza And A Movie To A Whole Different Level!

Pizza Hut Just Took Dinner-And-A-Movie To A Whole New Level image

This is so cool!  Why did it take so long for someone to come up with this?!?

So Pizza Hut has come out with a genius idea for their version of "pizza and a movie."  They are going to offer four distinct pizza boxes, each with a scannable QR code.  When you scan it with your phone, a movie is downloaded onto your phone.  The four pizza boxes each have a different name.  There's Slice Night for the horror fans, Anchovy Armageddon for the sci-fi lovers, Hot & Ready for the romantics, and Fully Loaded for the action-film freaks. Once the box is delivered, you take out the lens that is embedded in the pizza table, punch out the pre-cut circular piece on the side of the box and place the lens in the opening.  After you scan the code and download the movie, you place your phone in front of the lens, and use the pizza table prop up your phone inside the box.  Once the movie starts to play, the picture will be projected onto your wall for you to watch!  See?  What a great idea! 

Unfortunately, this advertising gimmick is only being offered in China, but who knows if it'll take off and make it's way the U.S.? 

There are a couple of downfalls to this stunt, though.  First off, you actually have to put your phone inside a greasy, cheese-crusted pizza box.  Do you really want to do that to your phone?  Secondly, the picture quality you get after it's projected onto the wall?  I have a feeling that it won't be very good, and unless you run speakers to your phone, the muffled sounds coming from your phone that's inside the box might be a little distracting, as well.  Still, the idea is clever enough for most people to want to give it a try. 

What do you think of this advertising stunt?  Would you give it a try?

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