Saturday, June 6, 2015

Is Han Solo REALLY (SPOILERS!) ???


Ever since Marvel reacquired the Star Wars comic book brand from Dark Horse Comics, they've been using it to fill in the gaps between the films to give us a better look at what took place during this time, and explain how we arrived at the start of each film from the ending of the previous one.  All of this is also "official canon" for the Star Wars universe.  So what they dropped on all of us in Star Wars #6 was pretty huge!  Like I said in the title...SPOILERS!!!

Still with me?  Good!  Check this Out!

Holy crap!  Really?!?  It looks like our favorite scruffy smuggler is a taken man!

Ever since the title began its run, Jason Aaron and John Cassaday who are writers for the comic, have been teasing a mysterious woman hot on the trail of Han Solo.  Her face was first released to the net in a teaser for Star Wars #9 which made its way online, and as soon as it hit, the rumors and speculation on who she was kicked into high gear!  One of the more popular theories that people were talking about was that it might be Salla Zend, an ex-girlfriend of Han Solo's, as well as a fellow smuggler, that was introduced during Dark Horse's Dark Empire series.  How cool would it have been if a hold-over from the old Expanded Universe made her way over to the Official Expanded Universe?  Well, as you can see, that didn't happen.

So what does all of this mean?  How long have they been married?  Are they actually still married?  We know that he's pursuing Leia pretty heavily in The Empire Strikes Back, so will this all be resolved before they reach Hoth?  Only time will tell, but I can honestly say that I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all plays out!

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