Monday, May 21, 2018

Lucas Almost Ruined Disney's Solo: A Star Wars Story

I'm back! Should have at least three or four this week, so keep an eye out for them, and again, thank you all who keep reading this blog.  Did you know that this has been read in over 70 different countries?  The one place I haven't had a hit from that I'm trying for is Antarctica.  So if anyone out there knows someone down there...just asking.  Okay, onto the meat of the article!

Solo: A Star Wars Story come out in the states May 25th, 41 years to the day after A New Hope hit theaters, and believe it or not, it almost never happened...and it would have been George Lucas' fault!  I'm serious!  Let me explain.  When Revenge of the Sith came out in 2005, we were treated to a scene on Kashyyyk (Wookie home world) that had Chewbacca and Yoda fighting off the clone soldiers after Order 66 had been given.  But there was a time where a 10-year old Han Solo was to be fighting along side them.  George Lucas wanted to have him fighting along side Yoda and Chewie, in what many felt was going to be the last Star Wars movie.  He actually was to play a pivotal role in the movie.  Han was to "discover a droid transmitting signals from Utapau, pointing the Jedi in the direction of General Grievous."  Problem was, it kinda didn't work considering in A New Hope? Han said he didn't believe in the Force.  How could he not believe in the Force after fighting alongside Yoda?  Not only did he fight alongside Yoda, young Han even had a line in the movie where he told Yoda about the droid he had found, so yeah...he knew who Yoda was. 

So if George was to put that part of the story in Revenge of the Sith, we wouldn't be seeing the movie that's coming out this weekend.  In Lucas' film, Han was a 10 year-old living with Chewbacca.  In Solo, a 10 year -old Han is out "running scams on the streets" with his friend Qi'ra.  He doesn't meet Chewie until he's an young adult.  I think this way works much better.

What about you, though?  Which idea works better for you?  The Lucas version, or the Solo version?  Let me know after you see the movie and leave your comments in the section below.

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