Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Feed Back On Avengers: Infinity War


Welcome back!  Before we get started, can anyone tell me what's wrong with the picture above here?  Tell me your answer in the comments section down below.  The first person who answers correctly will get...well, bragging rights, I guess.  Still, it'll be fun to see who gets it right.

I'm noticing some things when it comes to reactions to the movie Avengers: Infinity War.  Actually, two things in particular.  Here's one:

I went and saw Infinity War opening weekend with my dad.  After it was over, I asked him what he thought.  He was kind of iffy on it.  He thought there were too many plot lines going on, and got lost with some of the characters.  I can understand the latter.  If you don't watch these movies over and over again, it's easy to forget about something or someone.  On the "too many plot lines," I have to disagree because I actually thought that the Russo brothers did a good job of giving everyone a role to play and not pushed back into the background.  You know, seen but not heard type of thing.  And while I thought this was just my dad's opinion, I soon learned that a number of my friends' fathers thought the same thing.  Starting to think that this is a generational thing.  I don't know, it's just something that I noticed.  Have you heard this as well?  I'm curious to find out.  Anyway, let's move on to number two.

(heh heh heh..."number two.")  The second thing that I've witnessed kind of irritates me.  In the day and age that we live in, it's nearly impossible not to hear things, whether you want to or not, about upcoming movies.  You know, like how Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 and Black Panther 2 are being filmed, or will start filming soon.  So when I hear all of these people saying that this was the "biggest cliffhanger in movie history,"  I'm calling BS on all of that.  First of all, most of the characters that "died" in this movie you know will be coming back to life.  Let's start with Spider-Man as an example.  Do you really think that SONY would let Marvel kill off their movie property?  Are you kidding me?  Of course not!  Black Panther just had one of the best runs in Marvel's short history.  Do you think that Marvel and, more importantly, Disney would really kill him off?  No.  This isn't a "biggest cliffhanger in movie history" movie, it's a "so how are they all going to come back to life" movie.  Besides, everyone knows that Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back had the biggest and best cliffhanger in movie history.  Deal with it.

Look, I know that this is just my opinion.  Maybe Peter Parker stays dead and they bring in Miles Morales instead, or they just pass the mantle of Black Panther on to someone else.  Maybe...but I doubt it.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below.  Oh yeah, I'll let you know what's wrong with the picture up top in my next post.

1 comment:

  1. I loved it! My boy Jacob says the Hulk doesn't belong in this scene.Is he right? Welcome back,by the way!
