Friday, August 11, 2017

Three New DC Animated Movies Announced For 2018

One of the most anticipated panels each year at San Diego Comic Con is the one that deals with DC's animated movies division.  These films go straight to DVD and Blu-Ray, but are some of the most popular and profitable films that DC produces.  This year's panel did not fail to excite everyone that was in the audience.  They announced the three titles that will be released next year, and each one sounds likely to amaze.  Here are the three films, in no particular order of release...

The first one is Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay.  While the plot of this film has yet to be released, it will feature Task Force X, which will probably feature the characters that were in the movie, Suicide Squad, and may also use characters that are currently in the DC comics New 52 and Rebirth.  While no one character has been announced, it's stands to reason that the main character that will be front and center will be Harley Quinn, if for no other reason than she seems to be one of the most popular characters in the DC arsenal. 

The next movie that they announced is one that kind of strays from their usual films, but is one that fans have been hoping to see for a long time, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight.  A while back, DC made a lot of comic books that were part of the "Elseworlds" line, which took popular DC characters and put them in different time periods, or changed their origins and upbringings, which in turn altered their development into a new hero that we'd never seen before.  Think "Clark Kent raised by Thomas and Martha Wayne," or "Bruce Wayne being chosen to wield the Green Lantern ring."  Well, Gotham by Gaslight is kind of like that.  It follows a Batman in the 1800's that is hunting down the infamous Jack the Ripper.  If it stays true to the comic book, this will be a must see.

The last one they announced, as you can probably guess from the picture above, is Death of Superman.  They, meaning DC, tried to make an animated film that dealt with this already called Superman: Doomsday, but it was nothing like the comic book storyline.  Fans complained that they wanted a "Death of Superman" that was more true to the comic book, and it sounds like DC listened.  This movie is actually going to be split into two movies, with Reign of the Supermen being the second one and will be released in 2019.  This isn't the first time DC has split a storyline into two movies.  They did the same thing when they released The Dark Knight Returns

So those are the next three animated movies that DC is going to release.  When the actual dates for their release are announced, I'll make sure to let you know.  Until then, if you haven't watched any of their animated movies yet, make sure you do.  One of my favorites is Under the Red Hood, so check it out!

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